About The Abbreviation Or Acronym DID

What does DID mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation DID at the RealDictionary.com.

DID Definition |
What's The Definition Of DID?The definition of DID is: Data Identifier Data information delivery Data information description Data Input Device Data Interface Device Data Item Deliverables Data Item Description Data Item Descriptions Data Line Description DATAMATION INDUSTRY DIRECTORY Dead of intercurrent disease Defense in depth Defense Intelligence Digest Delayed ischaemic deficit Delayed ischemic deficit Delayed ischemic deterioration Densely Inhabited District Department of Infectious Diseases Department of Irrigation and Drainage Design Intent Document Destination ID Destination IDentification Detail Issues Depot Detailed Interface Dossier Detergent Ingredients Database Development Item Description Device Identifier Device-Independent Display DI Downstream Dial-In Direct Dictionary of Drugs Digital Identifier Digital Image Data Digital Image Decoding Digital Image Design Digital Image Document Digital Information Detection DIGITAL INFORMATION DISPLAY Digital Interface Device Digital Interoperability Division Digital Item Declaration Dipole-Induced Dipole Direct In Dialing Direct Inward Dial Direct Inward Dialing Direct Inward Dialling Direct Inwards Dial Directory Identifier Discharge ionization detector Disorder Display interface device Dissociative Identity Disorder Division of Isotopes Development Document Image Decoding Donor Investment Database Double immunodiffusion Double Isotope Derivative Drainage and Irrigation Department Drink Impaired Drivers Driver's Integrated Display Drug Information Division Drum Information Display Dust Impact Detection Dust Impact Detector Dynamic identification DYNAMIC INTERACTION DIAGNOSTIC |
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