About The Abbreviation Or Acronym DCO

Real Dictionary

What does DCO mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation DCO at the RealDictionary.com.


DCO Definition
DCO Definition

What's The Definition Of DCO?

The definition of DCO is:

Damage Control Officer

Data Central Office

Data Collection Office

Data-Controlled Oscillator

David Crawshaw Consultants Limited

Death certificate only

Debark Control Officer

Defence Community Organisation

Defense Communications Office

Defense Connect Online

Defense Coordinating Officer

Defense Coordinating Officers

Defense Coordination Office

Dehydrated Castor Oil

Delay Compliance Order

Delayed Compliance Order

Demand Continuity Outgoing

Deputy Commander for Operations

Deputy Commanding Officer

Detonator circuit ohmmeter

Development Change Order

Device Configuration Overlay

Dial Central Office

Dial Central Offices

Diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide

Diffusing capacity for CO

Diffusion of carbon monoxide


Digital Controlled Oscillator

Digitally controlled oscillator

Digitally Controlled Oscillators

Diploma of the College of Optics

Direct Commission Officer

Direct Commissioning Officer

Directed Change Order

Directed Charge Order

Director of Combat Operations

Discharge cleanup organization

District Communications Officer

District Coordination Officer

Document Change Order

Document Control Office

Document Control Officer


Ducommun Incorporated


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