About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CWR

Real Dictionary

What does CWR mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CWR at the RealDictionary.com.


CWR Definition
CWR Definition

What's The Definition Of CWR?

The definition of CWR is:

California Western Railroad

Call Waiting Reports

Call Waiting Ringback

Calm water ramp

Center of Welding Research

Central War Room

Centre for Water Research

Charge to weight ratio

Chest wall recurrence

Chiller, water, refrigerated


Coastal Warning Radar

Cold water restraint

Collapsible Water Reservoir

Colour weather radar

Committee for Water Resources

Condensate Waste Return

Congestion Window Reduced

Constant work rate

Continuous welded rail

Continuous-wave radar

Continuous-Wave Reflectometer

Continuously Welded Rail

Controlled Waste Regulations

Cooling Water Return

CWR Incorporated

CWR, Inc.

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