About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CWP

Real Dictionary

What does CWP mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CWP at the RealDictionary.com.


CWP Definition
CWP Definition

What's The Definition Of CWP?

The definition of CWP is:

Australian Customs Service


California Water Project

Causeway pier

Caution and Warning Panel

Cedar Woods Properties

Cell wall protein

Center for Wave Phenomena

Centimeters of water pressure

Central Warning Panel

Central weather processor

Central West Pacific

Centralised Warning Panel

Chicago Rail Link

Chicago West Pullman and Southern

Chicago, West Pullman and Southern Railroad

Childbirth without pain

Chronic widespread pain

Circulating Water Pump

Civilian/Contractors Working Party

Clean Water Partnership

Clean Water Program

Coal worker's pneumoconiosis

Coalition of Women for Peace

Coalition Warfare Program

Cold weather protection

Cold-Work Peak

Colorado Works Program

Communicating Word Processor


Communication Word Processing

Communication Word Processor

Community Workforce Partnerships

Concealable Weapon Permit

Concealed Weapons Permit

Consolidated work plan

Construction Work Package

Construction Work Place

Contingency Wartime Planning

Contractor work plan

Contractor's Working Party

Control Working Positions

Controlled Work Package

Controlled Work Packages

Controller Working Position

Controller Working Positions

Coordinating Working Party

Coronary wedge pressure

Corrective work plan

Cost Work Program

Costed Work Programme

Cotton wool pledget

Cumbersome Work Practices

Current Word Pointer

Current Working Point

Current Workspace Pointer

Curriculum Web Portal

Customer Web Portal

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