About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CWF

Real Dictionary

What does CWF mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CWF at the RealDictionary.com.


CWF Definition
CWF Definition

What's The Definition Of CWF?

The definition of CWF is:

Canadian Wildlife Federation

CASAWORKS for Families

Cash Withdrawal Form

Cell wall fragments

Championship Wrestling Federation

Chartwell Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.

Chilled Water Facility

Civilian Welfare Fund

Coal-Water Fuel

Coastal Marine Forecasts

Coated Wood Free

Combat Weather Facility

Combat Weather Flight

Combined Wastestream Formula

Commercial weaning foods

Common Working File

Construction Workers Federation

Cool-white fluorescent

Cornell Word Form

Custom Weighting Feature

Custom Weighting Filter

Custom Wire Format

IATA code for Chennault International Airport, Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

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