About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CW

What does CW mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CW at the RealDictionary.com.

CW Definition |
What's The Definition Of CW?The definition of CW is: Air Marshall Islands C-Washer Cable and Wireless Cable Wire Calcofluor white California Western Call Waiting Call Waiting Supplementary Service Canada West Canadian West Cancer Watch Capillary Water Capitol Weekly Car Wars Carbowax Carcass weight Cardiac work Carnauba Wax Carrier wave Case work Case Worker Caucasian woman Cavity wall Cell wall Cell wall fragments Cell walls Center Wavelength Cepheid W Virginis Certification Wave Chandler Wobble Cheese whey Chehalis Western Chemical War Chemical warfare Chemical Warhead Chemical Waste Chemical Weapon Chemical weapons Chemical Weathering Chest wall Chest wall compliance Child Welfare Children's ward Church warden Circle of Willis Circulating water Civil War Classic White Clean water Clinical workbench Clock Wise Clockwise Clone Wars Close Work Clothes washer Cloud-Water Lightning CoastWatch Cockcroft-Walton Coconut water Code Word Cold War Cold Water Cold Welded Cold Welding Cold Work Cold Working Cold-worked College of Wooster Color-word Colorado and Wyoming Colorado and Wyoming Railroad Colorado and Wyoming railway Colorado and Wyoming Railway Company Coloroado and Wyoming Railway Column waste Combat Wing Combined Water Combining Weight Combustion Wave Combustion Wire Command word Commercial weight Commonwealth Communication Wing CommunicationsWeek Compared with Complete Wank Complete with Composite wave Composite Wing Compound Winding Compound-Wound Compression Wave Compression wood Compton Wavelength Computer World Concealed Weapon Concealed Weapons Concentration Wave Condensed water Confined workspace Congress Watch Consistent with CONSTANT WATCH Constant Wattage CONSTANT WEB Constructed wetland Constructed wetlands Contention Window Continious Wave Continous Wave Continuos Wave Continuous wave Continuous wave Doppler Continuous Waveform Continuous Waves Continuous wear Continuous welded Continuous Wetting Contiuous Wave Contraction work Contractional work Control ward Control Wheel Control women Control word Control Write Conventional weapon Conventional Wisdom Cooling water Corporate Workgroup Corroborative witness Cortical width Cost of walking Cotton wool Coupled Wave Course Work Cowled Wizards Create Window Crutch walking CURB WEIGHT Curie-Weiss Current Weight Curriculum Wing CURTISS-WRIGHT CORP. Curtiss-Wright Corporation Cyber Warriors Cyclone Washer Cylindrical Wave Cyst wall Drag coefficient |
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