About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CSL

What does CSL mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CSL at the RealDictionary.com.

CSL Definition |
What's The Definition Of CSL?The definition of CSL is: California Air Shuttle California State Library Call Support Layer Callable Services Library Can't stop laughing Canada Steamship Lines Canadian Sleep Laboratory Capital and Surplus/Liabilties Cardiolipin synthetic lecithin Carlisle Companies Incorporated CARLISLE COMPANIES, INC. CARNEGIE-SCHUYLER LIBRARY Caspian Sea level Cellulose synthase-like Center for Strategic Leadership Central Science Laboratory Central Select List CENTRAL SQUARE LIBRARY Centrally Selected List Centre Spatial de Liege Cerebellar soluble lectin Certified Seminar Leader Chancery Software Ltd. Charter Seat License Chemical Services Laboratory Chemical Sewer Line Chemical systems laboratory CHESTER SPRINGS LIBRARY Chicago Short Line Railway Chicago Short Line Railway Company Chimney Sweeping Log China Space Launcher Chip Support Library Chips Support Libraries Circuit Switched Line Civil Support Library Clay Sanskrit Library CLIFTON SPRINGS LIBRARY Climate Simulation Lab Climate Simulation Laboratory Climate System Laboratory Closest Specification Limit Code Selection Language Coin Supervising Link Coincidence site lattice Coincident site lattice Cold Start Logic Combat stores list Combat Support Liaison Combined single limit Combined Single Limits Command and Status Link Command Selection List Command Signal Limiter Commission for a Sustainable London 2012 Common Service Layer Common Sound Layer Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Communications Security Limited Communications Server for Linux Communications Services Limited Community Source Licence Comparative Systems Laboratory Complex sclerosing lesion Component Save List Component sublayer Component Substitution List Compound sodium lactate Computation structures language Computer Science Lab Computer Science Laboratory Computer Sensitive Language Computer Software Lab Computer SoLutions Computer Status Light Computer Status Lights Computer Structure Language Computer Systems Laboratory Computer-Simulated Language Computerized Speech Lab Conceptual Schema Language Configuration Status List Connecticut State Library Constant Scattering Length Constraint Specification Language Context Sensitive Language Continuous Sheet Lamination Contractor standards laboratory Contributed Software Library Control and Simulation Language Cooperative Security Location Cooperative Security Locations Coordinated Science Laboratory Coordinated Single Layer Core Supplier List Core Suppliers Listing Core-specific lectin Corn steep liquor Corrosion Science Laboratory Crew Systems Laboratory Critical Sequence List Critical Stockage List Crosshole Sonic Logging Current Sinking Logic Current Switch Logic Current-Sinking Logic Current-Sourcing Logic Current-steering logic Customer Specified Layout, Product Packaging Customer Switch Location Cytisus Scoparius Lectin |
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter
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