About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CS

What does CS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CS at the RealDictionary.com.

CS Definition |
What's The Definition Of CS?The definition of CS is: BNSF Railway Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Burlington Northern Railway C strain C-Side Cable Select Cable Ship Cable slack Cable Station Cable Switching CABLETRON SYSTEMS, INC. Cabot School Cadmium Stannate Cadre Simulation Caesarean section Caesarean sections Caesarian section Cairnsfoot School Calahan and Snider Calamus scriptorius Calcium score Calcium scoring Calcium Silicate Calcium sulfate Caldera School Calf serum Calhoun School Calibration System California Screamin' Call Screening Call Second Call Segment Call Server Call sign Call State Call Store Call Switch Calls per Second Calogero-Sutherland Caloric stimulation Calpastatin Calsequestrin Calverton School Campaniform sensilla Campbell-Switzer method Campomelic syndrome Can select Can't say Canadian Shield Canadian Standard Canalicular system Candidate standard Cannon School Canola seed Canterbury School Cantidad suficiente Canton-S Capability Set Capability Sets Capacity for protein synthesis Capgras syndrome Capillary surfactometer Capital Stock Capsaicin-sensitive Capsule Suspension Carbon and Sulfur Carbon Steel Carbon stored Carcinoid syndrome Carcinosarcoma Carcinosarcomas Card Services Card Stack Cardiac sarcoidosis Cardiac surgery Cardiogenic shock Cardioplegic solution Cardiosclerosis Cardiotonic steroid Career Service Career Suicide Carenne School Caribbean Sea Caries-susceptible Carinya School CARMEL SCHOOL Carnegie stages Carotid sheath Carotid sinus Carotid stenosis Carotid stenting Carrier Selection Carrier Sense Carrier Sensing Carrier supply Carrier System Carroll School Casablanca Casady School Cascade Stack Casein Cast Steel Cast stone Castanospermine Castilleja School Castlereagh CASTLEREAGH SCHOOL Casuarina School Cat scratch Catalysis Society Catalytic subunit Cate School Cathepsins Cathode Spot Cathode Sputtering Caught Stealing Caustic Scrubber Caval syndrome Cavernous sinus Cavernous sinuses Cds Secondary CELESTIAL SENSOR Celestial Sphere Celiac sprue Celica sprue Cell salvage Cell sap Cell Saver Cell Selection Cell shortening Cell Site Cell Size Cell sonicate Cell sorter Cell surface Cell survival Cells Cellulose sulfate Celsior Celsior solution Center of Suspension Center School Center Section Center Spar Centers Surface Centistoke Centistokes Centraal Station Central School CENTRAL SECRETARIAT Central Servers Central service Central solenoid Central Square Central sulcus Central supply Centrifugal Separator Centrifugal sudden Centro-Symmetry Centromere spreading Centrum semiovale Ceramide synthase Cerebral scintigraphy Cerebral stroke Cerebroside sulfate Certificate Server Certificate Signer Certificate System Certification Specification Certification Standard Certified Specialist Cervical spine Cervical spondylitis Cervical spondylosis Cervical stimulation Cervical swab Cervicothoracic somite Cesarean Cesarean delivery Cesarean section Cesarean sections Cesium Cesium chloride Chain Site Change Sheet Change status Change System Channel Services CHANNEL STATUS Chapin School Chaplain Service Character Set Characteristic Spectrum Characterization Station Charge separation Charge-separated Charging System Charles Simonneau Chartered Surveyor Check Sequence CHECK SORTER Check Surface Checkout station Chelsea School Chemical Science Chemical Sensitivity Chemical Sensor Chemical shift Chemical Society Chemical Spill Chemical System Chemosensitizers Chest strap Chicken serum Chief of Staff Chief Scientist Child Support Child Survival Children's Services Chinese Spring Chinquapin School Chip Scale Chip select Chiral selector Chitin synthase Chitosan Chivalry & Sorcery Chlorinated solvents Chloroquine-sensitive Chloroquine-susceptible Cholescintigraphy Cholesterol Cholesterol stone Cholesterol stones Cholesterol sulfate Cholesterol sulphate Cholesteryl hemisuccinate Cholesteryl sulfate Choline-sufficient Choline-supplemented Choline-supplemented diet Chondroid syringoma Chondroitin sulfate Chondroitin sulfates Chondroitin sulphate Chondroitin-4-sulfate Chondrosarcoma Chondrosarcomas Chorionic somatomammotropin Chorismate synthase Chris Silagy Christ School Christchurch School Christian Science Christian Scientist Christian Survivors Chromogenic substrate Chronic schizophrenia Chronic schizophrenics Chronic sialadenitis Chronic sinusitis Chronic stress Chrysalis School Chuckle Snicker Ciclosporin Cigarette smoke Cigarette smoker Cigarette smoking Cincinnati State Cingulate sulcus Circuit Schematic Circuit Supervision Circuit Switch Circuit Switched Circuit Switching Circulator Speed Circumferential strain Circumscribed scleroderma Circumsporozoite Circumsporozoite antigen Circumsporozoite protein Cirrostratus Citrate synthase Citrate synthase activity Citrate synthetase Ciudad sanitaria Civil servant Civil Service Civil Society Civil Support Claims secretary Claims Services Clamp Strap Clandestine Service Class of Service Class Selector Class Style Classified Sensitive Clavaminate synthase Clean Sheet Clean Sheets Cleaners sink Clear to Send Cleavage site Cleavage sites Cleavage stage Client/Server Climacteric syndrome Climate Services Clinic scheduling Clinical score Clinical Signs Clinical Specialist Clinical stage Clinical Stages Clinical staging Clinical status Clinical supervision Clinical Supervisor Clinically staged Clonlara School Clonorchis sinensis Close supervision Close Support Closed Closed Session Closed System Cloverleaf skull Cluster Startup Coal Store Coalition Support Coarse score Coastal Shipping Coastal station Coblentz Society Cockayne syndrome Cockayne's syndrome Code segment Code Server Code Submitted Codeset Codeswitch Coding Scheme Coding Specification Coding Speed Coeruleospinal Cogan's syndrome Cognitive services Cohort studies Coil sketch Coil Split Coin Stuck Coincidence Site Cold sensation Cold Stage Cold storage Cold stress Cold-sensitive Colepterists Society Coli surface Collaborative Staging Collagen sponge Collagenous spherulosis College of Science College of the Sequoias College of the Siskiyous College of the Southwest College Station Collegiate School Colliculus Colliculus superior Colliery Screened Collimator Stop Collision Sequence Colloid Science Colloidal silica Colloidal Stability Colonic spirochetosis Colonoscopy Color scanner Color Science Color Specification Color Symmetry Color System Colorado & Southern Colorado and Southern Colorado Springs Colorado Supplement Colorimetric solution Colorimetric Solutions Combat Service Combat Squadron Combat Support Combat Surveillance Combat System Combat Systems Combined Shear Combustion Science Combustion Spectrum Combustion Subcommittee Combustion Synthesis Command Service Command Submission COMMAND SUBSYSTEM Command Support Commercial Service Commercial Service's Commercial Specification Commercial Standard Commercial Steel Commercial System Committee on Science Common Sensor Common service Common Services Common set Common Shell Common Software Common Source Common steel Commonwealth School Commonwealth Secretariat Communication et Signalization Communication satellite Communication Scheduler Communication Server Communication Services Communication Specialist Communication Station Communication Status Communication Studies Communication Subsystem Communication Support Communication System Communication Systems Communications and Security Communications and Systems Communications satellite Communications Security Communications Segment Communications Server Communications Services Communications Simulator Communications Software Communications Squadron Communications Subsystem Communications Subsystems Communications Support Communications System Community School Community Service Community Spouse Compartment syndrome Compartmental syndrome Compass School Compensatory sweating Competitive Sourcing Competitive Strategies Complement system Complete Sharing Complete stroke Completed stroke Complex Software Complex spike Complex spikes Complex Structure Compliance of Specimen Compliance Staff Component Supplier Composite Scale Composite service Composite Structures Composition of Solid Composition Service Compositional Separation Compound-semiconductor Comprehensive System Compression Shock Compression Spring Compression Stroke Compression syndrome Compressive strength Compressive Stress Compressor station Compton Scattering Computer Science Computer Security Computer Services Computer Simulation Computer Society Computer System Computers and Society Computing Science Computing Services Concentrated strength Concentric Spheres Concord Schools Concrete Slab Concrete Society Condensed Solid Condition score Condition Status Conditional stimulation Conditional stimuli Conditional stimulus Conditioned aversive stimulus Conditioned stimuli Conditioned stimulus Conditioning station Conditioning stimulation Conditioning stimuli Conditioning stimulus Conducted Susceptibility Conduction system Cone Search Conferences and Seminars Configuration Services Configuration space Configuration System Confirmation Study Conformance Specifications Conformation Substrate Congenital scoliosis Congenital syphilis Conjunctival secretion Connected Subaddress Connecting segment Connection Segment Connection Server Connection service Connection Start Conscious sedation Conservation Science Conservation Systems Conservative surgery Conserve School Conserved segments Conserved sequence Constant score Constant source Constant spring Constitutional Supercooling Constraint Set Construction services Consumables Status Contact hypersensitivity Contact Scientist Contact Section Contact sensitivity Contact sensitization Contact sites Contact Specialist Contact Success Contact Sweep Containment Spray Content Staging Context Sensitive Continental Micronesia Continental Shelf Continue same Continuous Spectrum Continuous Stream Continuous System Contraceptive steroids Contract Specialist Contractile state Contracting Specialist Contraction stress Contractor support Contralateral stimulation Contralateral suppression Contrast sensitivity Control Section Control segment Control serum CONTROL SET CONTROL SIGNAL Control State Control Station Control Stick Control Store Control Strobe Control subjects Control Switch Control System Control Systems CONTROLLED SIGNAL Controlled Slip Controlled Space Controlled Substance Controller of Supply Controlling a Stage Controls Conventional serology Conventional smear Conventional smears Conventional stenting Conventional surgery Conventional System Convergence Sublayer Conversion Start Conveyors Section Cook School Cooley School Cooling Stage Cooling System Coordinate System Coordinated Single-layer Cop Shop Copper sulfate Coqblin-Schrieffer Corbett School Cord serum Cordyceps sinensis Core Sample Core segment Core sequence Core Shift Core Spray Core Storage Core support Coreen School Coriell-Sekerka Corn and soybean meal Corn silage Corn-soy Corn-soybean Corn-soybean meal Corn-soybean meal diet Cornell strain Cornstarch Coronal scaling Coronal sulcus Coronal suture Coronary atherosclerosis Coronary sclerosis Coronary score Coronary sinus Coronary stenoses Coronary stenosis Coronary stenting Corporate Source Corpus spongiosum Corpus striatal Corpus striatum Corpuscles Corpuscles of Stannius Corrected Speed Corrosion Science Corrosion Scientist Corrugated sheet Corrugator supercilii Cortical stimulation Cortico-subcortical Corticoid-sensitive Corticospinal Corticosteroid Corticosteroid-sensitive Corticosteroids Corticosterone Corticostriatal Cortisol Cost Control System Cost Saving Cost Schedule Cost Share Costello syndrome Cottage School Cottonseed Cottrell-Stokes Counter Sniper Counter-Strike Countermeasure Simulator Countersink Counting systems County seat Coupled States Courant-Snyder Covenant School Cover sheet Covered Services Cowden syndrome Cowden's syndrome Craig School Cranbrook School Craniospinal Craniosynostosis Creamer and Sugar Creative Suite Creeping line single-unit Crefeld School Crew Simulator Crew Station Crew Systems Critical Sensitive Critical source Critical Speed Criticality safety Critically sensitive Cromehurst School Cromolyn sodium Cross Section Cross-Slip Cross-Strapping Crossroads School Crouzon Syndrome Crude saponin Crude survival Cruising Speed Crush syndrome Cryoglobulinemic syndrome Cryptoserver Crystal Semiconductor Crystal Spectrometer Crystal Spectrometry Crystal structure Crystal Symmetry Crystalline Solid Crystallographic Shear Cub Scout Cubic splines Cued Speech Culinary Specialist Culture supernatant Culture supernatants Cup and Saucer Currarino syndrome Currency Sign Current series Current smoker Current smokers Current strength Current Support Cursor Stability Cushing syndrome Cushing's syndrome Custom Satisfaction Customer Service Customer Service/Support Customer Specification Customer-Specific Customs Service Cut Sheet Cut Spelng Cutaneous sensitivity Cutting Speed Cyber sex Cycle Sequence Cycle Shift CYCLES SHIFT Cyclic somatostatin Cyclic strain Cyclic stretch Cycloserine Cyclosporin Cyclosporin A Cyclosporine Cyclosporine A Cyclosporins Cystathionine synthase Cysteine synthase Cytological smears Cytoreductive surgery Cytoskeletal Cytoskeleton Cytosol CZECHOSLOVAKIA Czek and Slovak Scout Cruiser Serbia and Montenegro Static compliance Times Caught Stealing |
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