About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CP
What does CP mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CP at the RealDictionary.com.
CP Definition |
What's The Definition Of CP?The definition of CP is: C peptide C promoter C protein C-peptide Cable Plant CABOT PUBLIC Cadet Programs Caeruloplasmin Cairns Post Calcaneal pitch Calcium phosphate Calcium propionate Caldwell Police CALDWELL PUBLIC Calendar Process Calibration procedure Call Park Call pay Call Pickup Call Process Call Processing Call Processor Call Program Callosal-projecting Calls for Proposals Calorific Power Calpeptin Cambridge Police CAMP Campeche Campus Police Campylobacter pylori Campylobacter pyloridis Can Pigs Canadian Airlines Canadian Pacific CANADIAN PACIFIC LTD. Canadian Pacific Railway Canadian Pacific Railway Company Canadian Pacific Railway Limited Canadian Pacific's Canadian Press Canal paresis Canarypox Cancer patients Cancer procoagulant Candle Power Candlepower Candy Apple Canister Purge Canton Police Capability Package Capability Parameter Capability Performance Capacities Capacity Capacity Planning Capillary permeability Capillary pressure Capital Planning Capping protein Capsaicin Capsid protein Capsid proteins Capsular penetration Capsular polysaccharide Capsular polysaccharides Captopril Caput Car and Parrinello Car-Parrinello Carbamide peroxide Carbamoyl phosphate Carbamyl phosphate Carbon Paper Carbon phenolic Carbon Potential Carbon Process Carboplatin Carbopol Carbopol 934P Carboxypeptidase Carboxyvinyl polymer Card Player Card Player Magazine Card punch Cardiac pacing Cardiac performance Cardinal Points Cardioplegia Cardioplegic Cardioplegic solution Cardiopulmonary Career Preparation Career Profile Career Program Carr-Parrinello Carr-Purcell Carretera Panamericana Carriage Paid Carrier protein Carrier Pulse Carry Propagate Cars of the Past Cartesian Product Cartographic Perspectives CASCADE PUBLIC Casing Pressure Catalytic Process Categorical perception Cathode of Pentode Cathodic Protection Cation proteins Cationic Polymerization Cationic proteins Catricial pemphigoid Caudate putamen Caudate-putamen Caudatoputamen Caudatus putamen Caudoputamen Cdc68/Pob3 Cecal perforation Cefpodoxime proxetil Ceiling Price Ceiling Protocol Celastrus paniculatus Celestial Pole Cell passage Cell Plate Cell proliferation Cellulose Phosphate Cellulose powder Cellulose Propanoate Cellulose Propionate Cement Points Center of foot pressure Center of Percussion Center of pressure Center Point Center Procedure Center Punch Centerpiece Centipoise Central pain Central Peak Central pit Central Plane Central Plateau Central Point Central posterior nucleus Central Processing Central Processor Central Procurement Centralized Processor Centrally Procured Centre of pressure Centrifugal pump Centrophenoxine Cephalic presentation Ceramic Processing Ceramics Program Cereal Program Cerebellar Purkinje Cerebellopontine Cerebral palsied Cerebral Palsy Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey Cerebral peduncle Cerebral perfusion Cerro de Pasco Certificate Policy Certificate Proceeding Certification Program Certified Planner Certified Practitioner Certified Preschools Certified Prosthetist Ceruloplasmin Cervical Position Cervical pregnancy Cesspool Cetylpyridinium Cetylpyridinium chloride Chain Printer Chain Procedure Challenge Problems CHALLIS PUBLIC Chamber Pressure Change Package Change point Change Procedure Change Proposal Change Proposals Channel Party Channel Performance Channel Processor Channel Program Character Position Character Printer Characteristic phase Characteristic Polynomial Charge Parity Charge Pump Charged Particle Charter Party Chartered Partner Chat Post Check Pilot Check point Checkpoint CHELSEA PUBLIC Chemical Physicist Chemical Physics Chemical Pneumonitis Chemical Potential Chemical Power Chemical Precipitation Chemical Preparation Chemical Process Chemical processing Chemical Properties Chemical protection Chemical pseudopotential Chemical Purity Chemically Peculiar Chemically Pure Chemoprevention Chest pain Chest physiotherapy Chest press Chevrel Phase Chicago Pneumatic Chickenpox Chief Personnel Chief Programmer Chief Purser Child Protection Child psychiatry Child psychology Child-Pugh Children's Place Chillicothe Police Chimeric peptide Chip place Chironomus plumosus CHITTENDEN PUBLIC Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydophila pneumoniae Chloramphenicol Chlordiazepoxide Chlorinated Paraffin Chlorinated paraffins Chlorinated phenol Chlorinated Polyolefin Chlorophenol Chlorophenols Chlorophyll-protein Chloropicrin Chloroplast Chloroplasts Chloroquine phosphate Chloroquine-primaquine Chlorpheniramine Chlorphentermine Chlorpromazine Chlorpropamide Chlorpyrifos Choke Packet Cholestasis of pregnancy Chondrodysplasia punctata Choroid plexus Choroid plexuses Chromatin proteins Chromatographically-Purified Chrome plate Chrome Plated Chromium picolinate Chromium plate Chromosomal proteins Chromosome painting Chronic lymphatic obstruction Chronic pain Chronic pancreatitis Chronic pathology Chronic periodontitis Chronic phase Chronic pleuritis Chronic polyarthritis Chronic progressive Chronic prostatitis Chronic pyelonephritis Chronic pyothorax Chuvash polycythemia Chymopapain Cic Program Cicatricial pemphigoid Ciliary processes Ciprofloxacin Circle of Position Circuit Pack Circuit Package Circular Pendulum Circular pitch Circular plasmid Circular Polarisation Circular polarization Circular Polarizer Circularly permuted Circularly Polarized Circulating Pump Cis-diamminedichloroplatinum Cisplatin Cisplatinum Citrus pectin Civil Penalty Civilian Personnel Claims Processing Clamping Pin Classical pathway Classical Physicist Classical Physics Clay pipe Cleaner Production Cleanliness procedure Cleft palate Cleft palate alone Cleft palate only Cleft palates Clinical Pathologist Clinical pathology Clinical pathway Clinical Pharmacologist Clinical pharmacology Clinical Pharmacy Clobetasol propionate Clobetasol-17-propionate CLOCK PHASE Clock pulse Clogging particles Close Protection Close-Packed Closed Pending Closed Pore Closing a Project Closing pressure Clostridium pasteurianum Clostridium perfringens Closure Project Clothes Pole Clotting protein Cloud Physicist Cloud physics Cloud point Club Penguin Clyde Police Co-Pilot Co-Precipitated Co-Precipitation Coal Processing Coat protein Coat protein gene Coat proteins COBLEIGH PUBLIC Cochlear potential Cocoa powder Code of Practice Code Page Coefficient of Performance Coefficient of Pressure Coherent Potential Coincident Peak Cold Airmass Cold pipe Cold Plate Cold pressor Cold pressor test Cold Punch Cold-passaged Colis Postaux Collecting Power Collection Plan Collection point Collective Paramagnetism Collective Pinning Collective Protection College at Plattsburgh College at Potsdam College at Purchase College of Preceptors College of the Pacific College Park College Program Collision Presence Collision Prevention Collision Probability Colloidal Particle Colombian Peso Colombo Plan Color perception Color Photography Color Plate Color Plotter Color Plotting Color Print Color printer Color Printing Colorado Procedure Column product Combining power Combustion Powder Comfort Plan Command Plan Command Post Command Posts Command Privilege Command processor Command Program Command Pulse Commensurate Phase Commercial Paper Commercial property Commercial Purity Commercially Pure Commissioning Program Commissural pyloric Commissure of Probst Commodity Perspective Common Part Common peroneal Common peroneal nerve Common Point Common Process Common-Pointed Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Communication Package Communication Processor Communications Practice Communications processor Communications Protocol Communist Party Community participation Community Players Community Priest Community Programme Compact Compacted Powder Comparability Protocol Compare Compartment pressure Compass Airlines Compensatory pause Complementizer Phrase Complete Partitioning Complete Protocols Completion pneumonectomy Complex Complex partial Compliance Compliance Program Component Procedure Component Program Comprehensive Plan Compressor Power Compressor Pump Compton Process Compton Profile Comptroller Computational Physics Computer Paragraph Computer Port Computer Processing Computer Professional Computer Professionals, Inc. Computer program Computer Programmer Computer Programming Concentrate phosphate Concentration in plasma CONCORD PUBLIC Concrete pipe Concrete-Piercing Concurrent Planning Condensation pattern Condensation Pump Conditional power Conditional Priority Conditional Probability Conduct problems Conducting Polymer Conducting polymers Conductive Polymer Conduit Penetration Cone Pedicel Conference Paper Conference Proceedings Conference Providings Conference Publication Confirmed Party Conflict Prevention Conflict probe Congenital porphyria Congregation of the Passion Congressional Presentation Conic Projection Conical Pendulum Conjugated Point Conjugated Protein Connect Presentation Connected Party Connecting peptide Connection Pending Connection Performer Connection Point Connection Principle Connection problems Connection Processor Connection Protection Connection Provider Conscious proprioception Conservation Park Conservation Plan Conservative Party Console Processor Consolidation Point Constant Photocurrent Constant Potential Constant Power Constant predictor Constant pressure Constitution Party Constraint Programming Constrictive pericarditis Construction package Construction permit Construction Permits Construction plan Consular Processing Consulting Planner Consumer Protection Contact placing Contact Point Contact Potential Containerless processing Contemporary Physics Content Provider Contention Period Continental Plan Continental Polar Contingency Plan Contingency Planning Contingency Preparedness Continuous Path Continuous Phase Continuous Pickling Continuous Polymerization Continuous Precipitation Continuous presence Continuum Physics Contract Price Contracting & Procurement Contracting Party Contractor Profiles Contrast phlebography Contribution Points Control group Control Panel Control patients Control period Control Point Control pregnant Control preparations Control Processor Control products Control Program Control Programs Controllable Pitch Controlled Product Controlling Person Conventional preparation Conventional Purity Convergence Protocol Convex Program Coolant pump Cooling Pond Cooper Pair Cooperation Partner Cooperation Partners Coordinated Procurement Coordinated Program Coordination Point Coordination Polyhedron Coordination Polymer Coordination Post Coordination Processor Copenhagen Copolymer Copper pipe Copper Powder Coproporphyrin Copy Copy Protected Copy Protection Copyright problems Cor pulmonale Coracoid process Core particle Core promoter Coriolis Perturbation Corneal power Coronary perfusion Coronary perfusion pressure Coronary pressure Corporal punishment Corpulent Correction Processor Correspondence Principle Corrosion Protection Corrosion-Protected Cortical plate Corynebacterium parvum Cosine packet Cost and performance Cost Performance Cost Plus Cost price Cost Proposal Couch Potato Coulomb Potential Council of Principals Counter Proliferation Counter propagation Counterproliferation Coupled pair Course Pack Coventry Polytechnic Coverage probability Covering Power Crack Plane Crack Propagation Cracking Pressure CRAFTSBURY PUBLIC Craniopharyngioma Craniopharyngiomas Crankshaft Position Cratering Process Crazing Process Creatine phosphate Creatine phosphokinase Cribriform plate Cricoid pressure Cricopharyngeal Cricopharyngeal muscle Cricopharyngeus Cricopharyngeus muscle Crime Prevention Critical parent Critical Path Critical Pathway Critical point Critical Points Critical Power Critical Pressure Critical Processes Cross passage Cross post Cross-Ply Cross-polarization Cross-Polarized Cross-Polarizer Cross-Product Crude protein Cryoprecipitate Cryoprecipitates Cryopreservation Cryopreserved Crypto Peripheral Cryptopatches Cryptosporidium parvum Crystal Physicist Crystal Physics Crystal Plaza Crystal Pulling Crystalline Polymer Cubic Parabola Cuff pressure Cuprophane Curie Point Current Paper Current Pointer Current practice Current processing Current Product Current Protocols Cushion Pressure Custodial Parent Custodial Party Custodial Person Customer Premises Customer Programmability Customer Programmable Customized Processor Customs Of Port Cuticular plate Cyclic Polymer Cyclic Prefix Cyclical Prefix Cyclopentadiene Cyclopentadienyl Cyclophosphamide Cyclophosphamide and prednisone Cyclophosphane Cypermethrin Cysteine protease Cysteine proteases Cysteine proteinase Cysteine proteinases Cystoperitoneal Cystoprostatectomy Cystosarcoma phyllodes Cytidine Phosphate Cytopathic Cytopathogenic Cytoplasmic Cytosol protein Cytosolic proteins Sleepy |
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