About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CIO

What does CIO mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CIO at the RealDictionary.com.

CIO Definition |
What's The Definition Of CIO?The definition of CIO is: Carousel Instance Object Carrier insertion oscillator Catalog of Infrared Observations Center Information Officer Central Imagery Office Central Input/Output Central Intelligence Organisation Chairman In Office Chancellor's Immediate Office Channel Input/Output Check It Out Chief Information Office Chief Information Officer Chief Information Officers Chief Intelligence Officer Chief Internet Officer Chief Investment Officer Chief of Information Officer Church Information Office Cisco Information Online Coal-in-Oil Collège d'Implantologie Orale Command Information Office Command Information Officer Command issuing office Common Item Order Communications and Information Office Communications Information Officer COMPUTERIZED THERMAL IMAGING, INC. Concurrent Input/Output Confirming Informal Order Congress of Industrial Organisations Congress of Industrial Organizations Contributions to International Organizations Conventional International Origin Corporate Information Office Corporate Information Officer Corporate Information Technology Organization Corticoid-induced osteoporosis Corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis Counter/Timer and Parallel I/O Critical Information Objects Cry It Out Customer Information Online Customer Integration Office Cut It Out Il Ciocco International Travel Service |
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