About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CIM

Real Dictionary

What does CIM mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CIM at the RealDictionary.com.


CIM Definition
CIM Definition

What's The Definition Of CIM?

The definition of CIM is:

Caller ID Manager

Callus induction medium

Camera Interface Module

Canadian Institute of Management

Canadian Institute of Marketing

Canadian Institute of Mathematics

Canadian Institute Of Mining

Canadian Investment Manager

Cardia intestinal metaplasia

Case Implementation Module

Cash Information Management

Center for Information Management

Center for Information Management's

Center for Irradiation of Materials

Ceramic injection molding

Certificate in Information Management

Certificate in Management

Certificate of initial mastery

Certified Industrial Manager

Channel Interface Module

Charge Imaging Matrix

Chartered Institute of Marketing

Chiari I malformation

Chicago & Illinois Midland

Chicago and Illinios Midland

Chicago and Illinois Midland Railway

Chicago, Illinois and Midland

Chief Inspector's Memo


Chronic inflammatory myopathy

CIM High Yield Securities


Cimber Air


Cisco Interactive Mentor

Class I modification

Classification Internationale des Maladies

Cleveland Institute Of Music

Clinical and Investigative Medicine

Clinician in Management


Collaborative Information Manager

Collection insertion map

Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres

Commandant Instruction Manual

Commercial Information Management

Commission on Industry and Manpower

Common Information Model

Communication Improvement Memo

Communications Improvement Memorandum

Communications Interface Module

Communications Interface Monitor

Community Integration Measure

Compaq Insight Manager

Compaq, Intel and Microsoft

Compensation Injection Module

Component Item Manager

Composite interval mapping

Compression Injection Molding

CompuServe Information Manager

Computation Independent Model

Computer Information Model

Computer Input Microfilm

Computer Input Multiplexer


Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Computer Integration Manufacturing

Computer Interaction Management

Computer Inventory Manager

Computer-integrated manufacturing

Computer-lntegrated Manufacturing

Computerized Interactive Morphometry

Computers in manufacturing

Constituent Interchange Model

Continuous Image Microfilm

Contract Interpretation Manual

Contract of movement by International Rail

Contractor Installation Manager

Control Indicator Module

Convective Interaction Media

Conventional imaging modalities

Corporate Information Management

Corporate Information Model

Cortically induced movement

Council on Information Management

Coverage Issues Manual

Cox Interactive Media

CpG island methylation

Critical illness myopathy

Critical Incident Management


Critical Item Management

Crypto Interface Module

Cryptographic Information Management

Cum in Mouth

Cumulated Index Medicus

Curo Image Manager

Curtis Institute of Music

Custom Injection Molding

Customer Information Management

Customer Information Manager

Customer Interaction Management

Customer-Interface Management

IOC Corporate Information Management

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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