About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CET

Real Dictionary

What does CET mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CET at the RealDictionary.com.


CET Definition
CET Definition

What's The Definition Of CET?

The definition of CET is:

Capacitance equivalent thickness

Capacity Enhancement Team

Capital expenditure threshold

Carrier Engineering Team

CE transfer

Cement Evaluation Tool

Center for Ecological Technology

Center for Educational Technologies

Center For Educational Technology

Center for Engineering Tribology

Center for Environmental Technology

Centrafrican Airlines


Central Earth Terminal

Central Europe Time

Central European Time


Central Securities Corporation

Centre dEtudes de Télécommunications

Centro de Estudes de Telecomunicoes



Cephalothin sodium

Certified Electronics Technician

Certified Engineering Technician

Certified Engineering Technologist

Certified environmental trainer




Chemical Engineering Technologist

Chemical Engineering Technology

Chess Endgame Training

Cholesterol-ester transfer

Cholesteryl ester transfer

Chronic ethanol treatment

Cisco Encryption Technologie

Cisco Encryption Technology

Civil Engineering Technician

Civil Engineering Technologist

Civil Engineering Technology

Clutter Equivalent Target

Cognitive Enhancement Therapy

Cognitive Estimation Task

Cognitive Estimation Test

Cold End Termination

Collaborative Eclampsia Trial

College English Test

College of Engineering Technology

Collisional energy transfer

Columnar-Equiaxed Transition

Combat Enhancement Training

Combination endocrine therapy

Combined Element Test

Combined Environmental Test

Commission on Education and Training

Common Entrance Test

Common External Tariff

Communication for Employment and Training

Community Enterprise Trust

Competition exercise test

Computational Engineering Team

Computed EEG topography

Computer Electronic Technologies

Computer Enhanced Testing

Computer-Enhanced Telephony

Computerized electroencephalographic topography

Computers and Electronic Technology

Concurrent Engineering Team

Congenital eyelid tetrad

Containment event tree

Continuing Education and Training

Contractual Engineering Task

Controlled Emission Toilet

Controlled environment treatment

Coping Effectiveness Training

Core exit thermocouple

Core exit thermocouples

Corrected Effective Temperature

Correlated Electron Transfer

Council for Educational Technology

Crisis Evaluation Team

Critical Entry Time

Critical experiment tank

Cryo-Electron Tomography

Cue exposure treatment

Cumulative Elapsed Time

Customer Event Tracking

Cutting-Edge Technology

Cycle Elapsed Time

Cycle Electrical Test

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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