About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CEM

Real Dictionary

What does CEM mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CEM at the RealDictionary.com.


CEM Definition
CEM Definition

What's The Definition Of CEM?

The definition of CEM is:

Calcium Europium Manganate

Captured enemy materiel

Carboplatin, etoposide and melphalan

Care environment management

Cascade exciton model

Cellular Equipment Manager

Cellulose ester membranes




Center for Electro-mechanics

Center for Electromagnetics

Center for Electron Microscopy

Center for Enterprise Management

Center for Enterprise Modernization

Center for Entrepreneurial Management

Center for Environmental Mechanics

Central amygdaloid nucleus

Central Electronic Module

Central Experiment Module

Central extensor mechanism

Central medial

Central Mongolia Airways

Centralis medialis

Centre For Electronic Music

Centro Educativo Matriz

Centro Esercizio de Manufenzione

Cercle dEtudes des Métaux

Certified Emergency Manager

Certified Energy Manager

Channel electron multiplier

Channel electron multipliers

Channeltron Electron Multiplier

Channeltron Electron Multipliers

Chee's essential medium


Chemistry Electronics And Mechanics

Chief Enlisted Manager

Christian Education Movement

Civil Emergency Message

Clark Elkhorn Mining Company

Clinical event monitor

Clot elastic modulus

COINS Engineering Method

Combined Effects Munition

Combined Effects Munitions


Commission on Ecosystem Management

Common Equipment Module

Common Evaluation Methodology




Commutation Electronique de Message

Compagnie Electro-Mécanique

Comprehension Emergency Management

Compromising emanations

Computer Education for Management

Computerized electroencephalographic map

Computerized Electron Microscopy

Computerized endopharyngeal myotonometry

Concept Evaluation Model

Concepts Evaluation Model

Configuration Element Management

Construction Engineering & Management

Contagious equine metritis

Continuous Effluent Monitor

Continuous Emission Monitor

Continuous Emission Monitoring

Continuous Emissions Monitor

Continuous Emissions Monitoring

Contract Electronic Manufacturing

Contract Electronics Manufacturer

Contract Equipment Manufacturer

Contrast Enhancing Material

Conventional Electron Microscope

Conventional Electron Microscopy

Conversion Electron Moessbauer

Cooperative Environmental Management

Core-Excitation Model

Corrected Effective Medium

Cost Especialist Meeting Services

Cost estimating manager

Cost Estimating Method

Cost Estimating Methodologies

Cost Estimation Model

Country Economic Memorandum

Crew escape module

Criminal Evaluation Memorandum

Crompton Corporation

Cumulus ensemble model

Curriculum Evaluation And Management

Curriculum, Evaluation and Measurement

Cytosine arabinoside, etoposide, methotrexate

IATA code for Central Airport, Central, Alaska, United States

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