About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CEC

What does CEC mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CEC at the RealDictionary.com.

CEC Definition |
What's The Definition Of CEC?The definition of CEC is: Calculation Element Catalogue California Electrical Code California Energy Commission California Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission Campaign for Equal Citizenship Canada Employment Center Canadian Electric Code Canadian Electrical Code Canadian Engineering Competition Capillary electrochromatographic Capillary electrochromatography Capillary endothelial cells Capital Equipment Committee Capital Equipment Corporation Carboxy Ethyl Cysteine Career Education Center Career Enrichment Center CAREER ENTERPRISE CTR Caribbean Employers Confederation Cation exchange capacities Cation exchange capacity Cation Exchange Chromatography CEC Entertainment, Inc. Cefaclor Cell culture Cell Error Check Cell evaluation chip Celtic Airways Center Export Council Center for Economic Catch-up Center for Economic Cooperation Center for Educational Computing Center for Marine Conservation Central echo complex Central Economic Complex Central Electoral Commission Central Electronic Complex Central Electronics Complex Central Environmental Committee Central European Command Central European Country Central Executive Committee Centre for Electronic Commerce Centric Cephacetrile Ceramic Education Council Cerebral endothelial cell Cerebral endothelial cells Certified e-Business Consultant Certified E-Commerce Consultant Chamber Environmental Controller Change Entry Certification Channel Editorial Center Character-Erase Character Charlotte Engineers Club Chemical Electronics Company Chemical Evaluation Committee Chiba Engineering College Chick embryo cell Chick embryo cells Chicken embryo cells Chief Election Commissioner China Electric Company China Electronics Corporation Chinese Education Center Chip Electronic Commerce Chlorethylclonidine Chloroethylclonidine Choroidal endothelial cells Ciliated epithelial cell Circulating endothelial cell Circulating endothelial cells Cisco Employee Connection Citizens Energy Council Civil Engineer Corps Civil Engineering Center Civil Engineering Corps Claiborne Enrichment Center Clarence Environment Center Clean Environment Commision Clothing Export Council Code-Extension Character Collaborative Engineering Center Collective Employment Contract Colombia Education Center Colonic epithelial cells Colonic explant cultures Colorado Engineering Council Columbia Education Center Combat Engagement Center Combat Equipment Company Combat Essential Code Combination Emission Control Combination Emissions Control Command Ejection Controller Commandant en Chef Commission for Environmental Cooperation Commission of European Communities Commission of the European Communities Commission of the European Community Commission on Education and Communication Commission on Environmental Cooperation Committee for Environmental Conservation Commodities Exchange Center, Inc Commodities Exchange Center, Inc. Commodities Exchange Centre Commodity Exchange Commission Common Engineering Criteria Common Entrance Committee Common Equipment Card Commonwealth Economic Committee Commonwealth Education Cooperation Commonwealth Engineering Conference Commonwealth Engineers Council Commonwealth Engineers' Council Communications Engine Card Communications Etudes Corporelles Community Education Center Community Environmental Council Computer Engineering Center Computerized Emission Control Computerized Engine Control Computing Education Center Concentration-effect curve Concept Experimentation Program Conference of European Churches Conferences on Evolutionary Computation Congruently Evaporating Composition Consejo Estatal Campesino Console Electronics Controller Consolidated Electrodynamic Corporation Consolidated Electrodynamics Corporation Consolidated Electronics Corporation Consolidated Expenditure Center Consulting Engineers Council Consumer Electronics Control Continuing Education Center Continuing Education Courses Continuing Education Credit Contractor Establishment Code Control Electronics Container Control Encoder Coupler Cooperative Engagement Capability Cooperative Engagement Concept Coordinadora Estatal Campesina Coordinating European Council Corneal endothelial cells Coronary endothelial cells Corporate Executive Committee Council for Education in the Commonwealth Council for Environmental Conservation Council for Exceptional Children Council of The European Communities Council on Environmental Cooperation Craven Early College Critical electrolyte concentration Crop End Control Cryogenic Engineering Conference Cytomegalic endothelial cells IATA code for Jack McNamara Field, Crescent City, California, United States |
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