About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CDV

Real Dictionary

What does CDV mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CDV at the RealDictionary.com.


CDV Definition
CDV Definition

What's The Definition Of CDV?

The definition of CDV is:

Airline Skol

Call Deflection Variable

Call Delay Variation

Campaign for a Devolved Parliament

Canine distemper morbillivirus

Canine Distemper Virus

Capacitance discharge vaporization

Capacitor discharge vaporization

Cargo Delivery Vehicle

Carnitine deficiency-associated gene expressed in ventricle

Cartographic data visualizer


Cell Delay Variation

Central Drawings Vault

Check Digit Verification

Chlorotic dwarf virus


Civil Defence Volunteers

Clinical diagnostic validity

Colombian datura virus

Color Doppler velocity

Comcast Digital Voice

Comma Delimited Values

Command Display Verifier

Committee Draft for Vote

Committee Draft for Voting

Committee Drafts for Vote

Compact Disc Video

Compact Disk Video

Component Digital Video

Compressed Digital Video

Concept Definition and Validation

Concept Demonstration and Validation

Consolidated Delivery and Logistics, Inc.

Constant Delay Value

Coverage Driven Verification

Current Domestic value

IATA code for Merle K. Mudhole Smith Airport, Cordova, Alaska, United States

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