About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CBA

Real Dictionary

What does CBA mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation CBA at the RealDictionary.com.


CBA Definition
CBA Definition

What's The Definition Of CBA?

The definition of CBA is:


Call Book Address

Calvary Baptist Academy

Can't Be Arsed

Canadian Bankers Association

Canadian Booksellers Association

Canadian Botanical Association

Capabilities Based Assessment

Capabilities-Based Assessment

Capability Based Assessment

Carboxylic acid

Carotid body artery

Cat Bight Abscess

Catholic Broadcasters Association

Cell Based Array

Cell-Based Architecture

Center for Backyard Astrophysics

Center for Bits and Atoms

Central Broadcasting Association

Central Business Area

Centrally Billed Account

Centrally Billed Accounts

Certificate in Business Accounting

Certificate in Business Administration

Certificate of Business Administration

Certificated Bailiffs Association

Certified Bank Auditor

Certified Boardmember Award

Certified Business Appraiser

Change Back Acknowledgement

Charcoal Bed Assembly

Chemical blowing agent

Chemical Bond Approach

Chesapeake Bay Academy

Chesapeake Bay Agreement

Chicken beta-actin

Chinese Basketball Alliance

Chocolated blood agar

Christian Booksellers Association

Christian Brothers Academy

Chronic bronchitis and asthma

Ciliary beat amplitude

Citrix Business Alliance

Civil Aviation Inspectorate of the Czech Republic

Class Bravo Airspace

Clinical Business Area

Cold Bed Adsorption

Collagen binding activity

Collagen binding assay

Collective Bargaining Act

Collective Bargaining Agency

Collective Bargaining Agreement

Collective Bargaining Agreements

College Of Business Administration

Colliding Beam Accelerator

Colombo Brokers Association

Columbia blood agar

Combat Body Armour

Committed Business Agreement

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Commonwealth Broadcasting Association

Commonwealth Broadcasting Association's

Communication Burden Assessment

Community Broadcasters Association

Community Broadcasters of America

Community-based Agent

Competency Based Assessment

Competitive binding assay

Component Based Automation

Component board assembly

Comprehensive Bargaining Agreement

Compressed breathing air

Computer-Based Automation

Computerized brain atlas

Concerned Bikers Association

Confederation of British Associations

Congenital biliary atresia

Congenital bronchial atresia

Conjugated Bile Acid

Consumer Bankers Association

Contact-Breaking Ammeter

Continental Basketball Association

Controlled before and after studies

Controlled Business Arrangement

Core Bitmap Animation

Corn Bible Academy

Corporate Billed Account

Cost and Benefit Analysis

Cost Benefit Accosting

Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost Benefits Analysis

Cost-benefit analyses

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Could Be Anything

Coulomb-Born Approximation

Council for British Archaeology

Council for British Archeology

Cranial base angle

Cross Border Area

Cross Border Area's

Current Best Approach

Current Biotechnology Abstracts

Current Byte Address

Curriculum Based Assessment

Curriculum-Basic Assessment

Cutting balloon angioplasty

Cytochemical bioassay

Cytometric Bead Array

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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