About The Abbreviation Or Acronym BTS

Real Dictionary

What does BTS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation BTS at the RealDictionary.com.


BTS Definition
BTS Definition

What's The Definition Of BTS?

The definition of BTS is:

Aerotaxis Albatros


Bachelor of Theological Studies

Back To School

Backbone Transmission Service

Bagless transfer system

Bangor Township Schools

Barium Titanate Stannate

Barium Titanium Silicate

Base Station Tranceiver Subsystem

Base Telecommunications Systems

Base Tranceiver Station

Base Tranceiver System

Base Transceiver Site

Base Transceiver Station

Base Transceiver Station entities

Base Transceiver Stations

Base Transceiver System

Base Transceiver Systems

Base Transmission Station

Basic Transceiver Station

Batch Terminal Simulation


Batlow Technology School

Battalion Targeting System

Beacon Track Subsystem

Beacon Tracking Subsystem

Beam transport system

Bellini-Tosi System

Beltsville Thawing Solution

Benchmark Test Suite

Better Than Shit

Bias Temperature Stress

Biased thermal stress

BIH Terrestrial System

Bishops' Transcripts

Bisynchronous Terminal Support

Bit Test and Set


Blalock taussig shunt

Bleed Temperature Sensor

Bleeding times

Blessed test score

Blood Torn Soldiers

Blood transfusion service

Blue toe syndrome

Blue tool steel

Board Tracking System

Booster Technology Simulator

Boosting and transfer systems

Border and Transportation Security

Brady-tachy syndrome

Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome

Bradycardia-tachycaxdia syndrome

Brain tumors

Brazilian thorium sludge

Breakthrough Series

Breitung Township Schools

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur

Briefing Terminals

British Tarantula Society

British Telecommunications Systems

British Thoracic Society

British Toxicology Society

British Tunneling Society

Broadband Transport Service

Broadcast Technology Society

Broadcast Transmitting Station

Brooklyn Terror Squad

Bug Tracking System

Build To Suit

Bureau of Transportation and Safety

Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Bureau of Transportation Statitics

Burst Time Synchronisation


Burt Township Schools

Business Telecom Services

Business Telecommunications Services

Butyltin compounds


By the Same

IATA code for M. R. Å tefánik Airport, Bratislava, Slovakia

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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