About The Abbreviation Or Acronym BTM

Real Dictionary

What does BTM mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation BTM at the RealDictionary.com.


BTM Definition
BTM Definition

What's The Definition Of BTM?

The definition of BTM is:

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Balloon Telecom Manager


Basic Transfer Mode

Batch Time-sharing Monitor

Battalion Training Model

Battery Thermal Module

Bell Telephone Manufacturing

Benchmark Timing Methodology

Benign tertian malaria

Berner Tagblatt Mediengruppe


Big Thunder Mountain

Bite me

Blood temperature monitor

Boarding Team Member

Body temperature monitor

Bone turnover markers

Booster Tumble Motors


Bovine trabecular meshwork

Brasil Telecom Participacoes S.A.


British Tabulating Machines

Broadband Transport Manager

Broadband Trunk Module

Bulk Tank Milk

Business and Technical Management

Business Technology Management

IATA code for Bert Mooney Airport, Butte, Montana, United States

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