About The Abbreviation Or Acronym BTI

Real Dictionary

What does BTI mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation BTI at the RealDictionary.com.


BTI Definition
BTI Definition

What's The Definition Of BTI?

The definition of BTI is:

Air Baltic

Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis

Balanced Technology Initiative

Bangladesh Textile Institute

Barisan Tani Indonesia

Base Telecommunications Infrastructure

Battelle Technology International

Battery Technology Institute

Bench Test Instruction

Berks Technical Institute

Bias temperature instability

Bibra Toxicology International

Biomagnetic Technologies, Inc.

Blow Trumpet Immediately

Borehole test instructions

Boston Theological Institute

Bridged Tap Isolator

British American Tobacco Industries, p.l.c.


British Technology Index

British Telecom International

British Telecommunications International

Business Telecom Inc.

Business Type Identifier

IATA code for Barter Island LRRS, Barter Island, Alaska, United States

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