About The Abbreviation Or Acronym BMS

Real Dictionary

What does BMS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation BMS at the RealDictionary.com.


BMS Definition
BMS Definition

What's The Definition Of BMS?

The definition of BMS is:

Baby Making Sex

Baby mouse skin

Baby-making Sex

Bachelor of Management Studies

Bachelor of Marine Science

Bachelor of Marketing Science

Bachelor of Medical Science

Bachelor of Mortuary Science

Background Measurement Satellite

Background Media Scans

Backup Management System

Bacon Middle School

Bad Movie Syndrome

Bair Middle School

Baird Middle School

Balanced Magnetic Switch

Balanced Measures System

Balboa Middle School

Ballistic Missile Ship

Ballistic Missile Ships

Ballistic Missile Specification

Ballistic Missile Submarine

Ballistic Missile Support

Bancroft Middle School

Bandwidth Management Service

Bandwidth Manager Service


Banyan Mail Services

Bare metal stent

Bare metal stents

Barrenjoey Montessori School

Barrett Middle School

Barstow Middle School

Base Medical Services

Basement membranes

Basic Mapping Services

Basic Mapping Support

Basic Mechanical Signalling

Basic Medical Sciences

Basic Monitor System

Basic Montor System

Battalion Mortar System

Battalion motor sergeant

Battery Management System

Battle Management Simulation

Battle Management System

Battlefield Management System

Bayside Middle School



Belfast Metoprolol Study

Belmont Ridge Middle School

Belvedere Middle School


Bemis Company, Inc.

Benicia Middle School

Benton Middle School

Berendo Middle School

Berlin Mills Railway

Berlin Mills Railway Incorporated

Berrendos Middle School

Best Medical School

Bethune Middle School

Bibliographic Management Software

Bid Management System

Biggs Middle School

Billing Mediation System

Biomedical monitoring system

Biomedical Sciences

Birmingham Metallurgical Society

Bis selenide

Black Mercury Sulfide

Black Mexican Sweet

Blacksburg Middle School

Blood monocytes

Bloomfield Middle School

Bloomington Middle School

Blythe Middle School

Body movements

Boeing Materials Specification

Bohannon Middle School

Bone marrow scintigraphy

Bone marrow stroma

Bone marrow stromal

Bone marrow-derived macrophages

Bone marrows

Bone metastases

Borel Middle School

Boron management system

Boron measurement system

Boston Museum of Science

Bowditch Middle School

Bowel movements

Branciforte Middle School

Brannan Middle School

Brewer Middle School

Bridge management system

Bristol-Myers Squibb

Bristow Middle School

British Menopause Society

British Meteor Society

British Micropalaeontological Society

British Mycological Society

Britton Middle School

Broadband Management Server

Broadcast Management Segment

Broadcast Message Server

Broadcast message service

Broadcast Message System

Brown Middle School

Brownell Middle School

Bryant Middle School

Bryn Mawr School

Buchser Middle School

Buckeye Middle School

Buffer Management System

Building Management System

Bulk magnetic susceptibility

Bulletin of Sociological Methodology

Bunche Middle School

Burbank Middle School

Bureau Militaire de Standardisation

Bureau of Medical Services

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

Buried metallic sulfide

Burke Middle School

Burner Management System

Burner Management Systems

Burnett Middle School

Burning mouth syndrome

Burroughs Middle School

Burstein-Moss Shift

Burton Middle School

Business management system

Business Management Systems

Byrd Middle School

St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

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