About The Abbreviation Or Acronym AVP

What does AVP mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation AVP at the RealDictionary.com.

AVP Definition |
What's The Definition Of AVP?The definition of AVP is: Academical Village People Actinomycin d, vincristine, platinol Actinomycin-vincristine-Platinol Action of vasopressin Activity of vasopressin Adenovirus proteinase Administration of vasopressin Adriamycin, vincristine, procarbazine Advanced vertical processor Advanced Video Processor Advanced VLSI Packaging Alien Versus Predator Alien Vs. Predator Ambrose Video Publishing Ambulatory venous pressure An increase in plasma vasopressin Anti-arginine vasopressin Anti-Violence Project Aortic valve prolapse Aortic valve prosthesis Aortic valvuloplasty Aortoventriculoplasty Arg-vasopressin Arg8-vasopressin Arginin-vasopressin Arginine vasopressin Arginine vasopressin concentration Arginine vasopressin levels Arginine vasopressine Arginine vasopression Arginine-8 vasopressin Army Validation Program Arteriovenous passage Arteriovenous passage time Assistant Vice President Assistant Vice-President Associate Vice-President Attached Virtual Processor Attenuate vasopressin Attorneys Vs. Penguins Attribute Value Pair Attribute-Value Pair Australian Veterinary Practitioner Authorized Vendor Program Automating Valve Procurement Automation Verification Prime Avcorp Registrations Aviation Publication Avionics Panel Avon Products, Inc. IATA code for Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport, Avoca, Pennsylvania, United States Seaplane Tender Seaplane Tender, Small |
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