About The Abbreviation Or Acronym AVD

Real Dictionary

What does AVD mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation AVD at the RealDictionary.com.


AVD Definition
AVD Definition

What's The Definition Of AVD?

The definition of AVD is:

Acoustic variable density

Acquired valvular disease

Acquired Virtual Distribution

Active vasodilation

Active Virus Defence

Advanced Video Disk

Air Vehicle Detection

Alamo Aviacion, S.L.

Allograft vascular disease

Allowable Voltage Drop

Alternate Voice and Data

Alternate Voice Data

Alternate Voice/Data

Alternating Voice and Data

Alternating Voice/Data

Alternation Voice/Data

Alternative Valuation Date

Alternative Voice/Data

Aluminum Vacuum Degassing


American Vanguard Corporation

American Veterinary Department

American Vetinary Department

Aortic valve disease

Aortic valvular disease

Apoptotic volume decrease

Apparent volume of distribution

Army Veterinary Department

Arteriovenous difference

Association of Video Dealers

Atherosclerotic vascular disease

Atrioventricular delay

Audio-Visual Division

Audio/Video Driver

Automatic Voice/Data

Automobilverein von Deutschland

AV delay

Average vessel density

Aviation Training Devices


Seaplane Tender Destroyer

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