About The Abbreviation Or Acronym AUC

Real Dictionary

What does AUC mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation AUC at the RealDictionary.com.


AUC Definition
AUC Definition

What's The Definition Of AUC?

The definition of AUC is:

Ab urbe condita

Activity Under Competition

Acute uncomplicated cystitis

African Union Commission

Air Transport Users Council

Aircraft Utilization Code

Alberta Universities Commission

Algoma University College

American University of Cairo

American University of the Caribbean

Ammonium uranyl carbonate

Analytical ultracentrifugation

Area under a curve

Area under concentration

Area under concentration curve

Area under concentration-time curve

Area under concentration-time curves

Area under curve

Area under curves

Area under plasma concentration curve

Area under plasma concentration-time curve

Area under receiver operating characteristic curve

Area under receiver operating characteristic curves

Area Under ROC Curve

Area under ROC curves

Area under the blood concentration curve

Area under the concentration

Area under the concentration curve

Area under the concentration time-curve

Area under the concentration versus time curve

Area under the concentration versus time curves

Area under the concentration-time curves

Area under the curve

Area under the curves

Area under the dissolution curve

Area under the drug concentration curve

Area under the force-time curve

Area under the GH curve

Area under the GH response curve

Area under the glucose curve

Area under the glucose response curve

Area under the LH curve

Area under the PGFM response curve

Area under the pH curve

Area under the plasma concentration

Area under the plasma curve

Area under the plasma-concentration curve

Area under the receiver operating characteristic

Area under the receiver operating curve

Area under the receiver operator curve

Area under the response curve

Area under the ROC curve

Area under the ROC curves

Area under the secretory curve

Area under the serum concentration curve

Area under the survival curve

Area under the time curve

Area under the time-concentration curve

Area under the time-concentration curves

Area under the time-response curve

Area-under-the-curve values

Areas under concentration-time curves

Areas under curve

Areas under curves

Areas under plasma concentration-time curves

Areas under the concentration curves

Areas under the concentration versus time curves

Areas under the concentration-time curve

Areas under the concentration-time curves

Areas under the curves

Areas under the plasma concentration curve

Areas under the plasma concentration curves

Areas under the ROC curve

Areas under the ROC curves

Areas under the serum concentration curves

Areas under the time-response curves


Asset Under Construction

Atlanta University Center

Atlantic Union College

Auckland University College


Australian Universities Commission

Authentication Center

Authentication Centre

AUthentication Certificate

AUthorisation Control/Center


Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia

Automatische Umluft Control

Average Unit Cost

IATA code for Santiago Perez Airport, Arauca, Colombia

Transaustralian Air Express

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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