About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ASS

Real Dictionary

What does ASS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation ASS at the RealDictionary.com.


ASS Definition
ASS Definition

What's The Definition Of ASS?

The definition of ASS is:

Aarskog-Scott syndrome

Academy Of Submissive Students

Acid sulfate soils

Acoustical Society of Scandinavia

Active Symmetric Swapping

Acute serum sickness

Acute spinal stenosis

Acute splenic sequestration

Acute stroke study

Adaptive Survivable System

Advanced Sensor System

Aerospace Support System

Aerospace Surveillance System

African Sleeping Sickness

Air Class

Air Signals School

Air Stage Service

Air Supply System

Airlock Support Subsystem

Airlock Support System

Allowance Standards

Amateur Satellite Service

American Statistical Society

Analog Switching Subsystem

Anionic sites

Anson Street School

Antenna Support Structure

Antenna Support System

Anterior superior spine

Anterior suprasylvian

Application Servers

Applications Servers

Applied Surface Science

Argininosuccinate synthase

Argininosuccinate synthetase

Art Students Society


Assessment projects


Associate in Secreterial Science

Associate in Secreterial Studies


Association Of Singapore Students


Atomic, Biological and Chemical Server Subsystem

Auckland Stroke Study

Audiogenic seizures

Austenitic Stainless Steel

Automatic Digital Information Network Switching System

Automatic Selector Switch

Autonomous Systems

Auxiliary Service Station

Auxiliary steam system

Aviation Support Ship

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