About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ASL

Real Dictionary

What does ASL mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation ASL at the RealDictionary.com.


ASL Definition
ASL Definition

What's The Definition Of ASL?

The definition of ASL is:


Above sea level

Above sea-level

Accreditation Status List

ACPI Source Language

Acting Sub-Lieutenant

Action Semantic Language

Active sick leave

Active Speech Level


Ada Support Library

Adaptive Speed Leveling

Adaptive Speed Levelling

Additional Support for Learning

Adenylosuccinate lyase

Admission of Securities to Listing

Advanced Simulation Laboratory

Advanced Squad Leader

Advanced Stocking List

Advanced Studies Laboratory

Advanced Supplementary Level

Advanced Systems Laboratory

Aeronautical Structures Laboratory

Aeronautical Systems Laboratory

Age Sex Location

Age Stats Location

Age, sex, location


Agent Status Lamp

Airway surface liquid

Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory

Algebraic Specification Language

Allowable Supply List

Alpha Systems Laboratories

Alternate Storage Location

Alternating Skip List

American Sign Langua

American Sign Language

Analog Subscriber Line

Analytical Sciences Laboratory

Angiosarcoma of the liver

Ankylosing Spondylitis Lung

Anti-Stokes Line

Anticodon stem-loop


Apache Software License

APART Specification Language

Appalachian School of Law

Application-Specific Language

Approved Source List

Approved Supplier List

Approved suppliers list

Arabic as Second Language

Archipelagic sea lane

Argininosuccinate lyase

Ariba Supplier Link

Arithmetic Shift Left

Arterial spin labeling

Ascribed Support List



Assembler Source Language

Assign switch locator routing

Assigned Stockage Level

Assigned Stockage List

Assistant Secretary for Legislation

Assistant section leader

Assistant squad leader

Association du Syndrome de Lowe

Association for Symbolic Logic

Association Strümpell-Lorrain

Association Suisse de Logistique

Astaro Security Linux

Atmosphere Sampling Line

Atmospheric Science Laboratory

Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory

Atmospheric surface layer

Authorized Stock Level

Authorized Stockage Level

Authorized Stockage List

Authorized Stocking List

Autologous stimulated lymphocytes

Automated Symbols Library

Automatic Sound Leveling


Average Signal Level

Average Speech Level

Average Staffing Level

Aviation Support and Logistics

Azimuth Steering Line

IATA code for Harrison County Airport, Marshall, Texas, United States

Spurling Aviation

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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