About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ART

Real Dictionary

What does ART mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation ART at the RealDictionary.com.


ART Definition
ART Definition

What's The Definition Of ART?

The definition of ART is:

Absolute rate theory

Absolute retention time

Accelerated room test

Acceptance review team

Accredited Record Technician

Accredited Record Technologist

Accredited Records Technician

Achilles reflex time

Achilles tendon reflex test


Acoustic reflection technique

Acoustic reflex test

Acoustic Reflex Threshold

Acoustic reflex thresholds

Acoustic Resonance Testing

Acquisition Review Team


Active Release Techniques

Active Repair Time

Acupuncture Randomized Trials

Adaptive Radiation Therapy

Adaptive radiotherapy

Adaptive Resonance Theory

Adaptive Resonanse Theory

Adaptive Runtime Technology

Additional Reference Transmission

Additional Required Training

Additive Reference Transmission

Adjuvant radiotherapy

Administrative Review Team

Admissible Rank Test

Advanced Reactor Technology

Advanced Reactors Transition

Advanced reasoning tool

Advanced Recognition Technologies

Advanced Recording Technology

Advanced Recycling Technologies

Advanced Refractory Technologies, Inc.

Advanced Registry Tracer

Advanced Rendering Tools

Advanced Research and Technology

Advanced Resolution Technology

Advanced Retrieval Tool

Advanced Reusable Technology

Advanced Rotocraft Transmission

Advanced Rotorcraft Technology

Advanced Rotorcraft Transmission

Advaned Real-Time

Adverse Reaction Tracking

Aerial Reconnaissance Team

Aerosol release and transport

Aerospace Research and Technology

Aerotal Aerolineas Territoriales de Colombia Ltda

Affect Rescripting Therapy

Africa Resources Trust

Agence de Recherche et de Technologie

Aggression Replacement Training

Agricultural Research Trust

Air Reserve Technician

Air Reserve Technicians

Air-launched Radiation Thermometer

Airborne Radiation Thermometer

Airborne Radio Transmitters

Airborne Receive Terminal

Airborne response team

Aircraft Radio Technician

Aircraft Reactor Test

Airspace Regulation Team

Alarm Reporting Telephone

Alarm response team

Alert Readiness Test

Algebraic reconstruction technique

Algebraic reconstruction techniques

Algebraic reconstructive technique

Alternate Resonance Toning

Alternative risk transfer

Alternative Routing To

Amateur Radio Transceiver

Ambiguity Reference Tone

American Refrigerator Transit

American Refrigerator Transit Company

Ammunition Reduced Time-of-flight

Amplitude Radio Transmission

Analysis and Reporting Tool

Androgen replacement therapy

Annual Recurrency Tasks

Annual Renewable Term

Annual Report Template

Another Ray Tracer

Anti Retroviral Therapy

Anticipatory reactor trip

Antidromic reciprocating tachycardia


Antiretroviral combination therapy

Antiretroviral drug therapy

Antiretroviral therapies

Antiretroviral therapy

Antiretroviral treatment

Antiretroviral treatments

Applicative Real-Time

Applied RISC Technologies

Aqueous Recycle Technologies

Arab Radio and Television


Argentina Time

Arm-retina time

Armed response team

Army Regional Threats

Army Regional Tools

Army Research Task

Army Reserve Technicians

Arsenal release and transport program





Artern, Thüringen







Artificial reproductive techniques

Artificial reproductive technologies

Artificial Resynthesis Technology

Artificial wastewater


Artillery and Related Equipment

Artists' Rights and Theft

Asphalt residual treatment

Asphalt Residuum Treating

Assessment and Response Team

Assessment Recovery Team

Asset Reconciliation Tool

Assisted reproduction

Assisted reproduction technique

Assisted reproduction techniques

Assisted reproduction technologies

Assisted reproduction technology

Assisted reproduction treatment

Assisted reproductive technique

Assisted reproductive techniques

Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Assisted reproductive technologly

Assisted Reproductive Technology

Assisted reproductive therapy

Assumed Room Temperature

Assuming Room Temperature

Asynchronous Remote Takeover

ATM Router Task

Atom relay transistor

Atraumatic restorative technique

Atraumatic restorative treatment

Atrial reentrant tachycardia

Audible Ringing Tone

Audit Report Task

Auditory reaction time

Australasian Reference Thromboplastin

Automated radiation therapy

Automated Radio Theodolite

Automated reagin test

Automated Reasoning Tool

Automated Regression Testing

Automated Request Transmission

Automated responsiveness test

Automatic Radio Theodolite

Automatic Range Tracker

Automatic Range Tracking

Automatic Ranging Telescope

Automatic Readiness Testing

Automatic Recall Toggle

Automatic Registration Tool


Automatic Reserve Thrust

Automatic Revision Tracking

Automatic Routine Test

Automaticity recovery time

Automotive Retailing Today

Autonomous Robotics Technology

Average Rate of Tax

Average Response Time

Average Retrieval Time

Avionics Research Testbed

IATA code for Watertown International Airport, Watertown, New York, United States

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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