About The Abbreviation Or Acronym APV

Real Dictionary

What does APV mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation APV at the RealDictionary.com.


APV Definition
APV Definition

What's The Definition Of APV?

The definition of APV is:

Abnormal posterior vector

Accounts Payable Voucher

Acellular pertussis vaccine

Acute peripheral vestibulopathy

Acyrthosiphon pisum virus

Adjusted Present Value

Advanced Power Virtualization

Air Plan International

All-Passenger Vehicle

All-Purpose Van

All-Purpose Vehicle

Aluminium Plant & Vessel


Aminophosphonovaleric acid


Analysis of partial variance

Apprehended Personal Violence

Approach with vertical guidance




Arterial pressure variability

Artificial pulmonary ventilation

Association of Primate Veterinarians

Association of Professional Videomakers

Authorized Power Vehicle

Automated Procedures Viewer

Automatically Piloted Vehicle

Average peak flow velocity

Average peak velocity

Avian pneumovirus

Avian polyomavirus

IATA code for Apple Valley Airport, Apple Valley, California, United States

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