About The Abbreviation Or Acronym APT

Real Dictionary

What does APT mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation APT at the RealDictionary.com.


APT Definition
APT Definition

What's The Definition Of APT?

The definition of APT is:

Ablate and Pace Trial

About Phreakin Time

Accelerator Production of Tritium

Accelerator-produced tritium

Acquisition, Pointing and Tracking

Active Process Table

Acute pulmonary thromboembolism

Additional Propellant Tank

Address Partition Terminator

Address Pass Through

Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase

Adjustable Part Throttle

Adjuvant Psychological Therapy

Adult Preparation Training

Advanced Package Tool

Advanced Packaging Tool

Advanced Parallel Technology

Advanced Passenger Train

Advanced Passenger Transport


Advanced Personnel Testing

Advanced Personnel Training

Advanced Photoscale Technology

Advanced Platform Technology

Advanced Postal Teller

Advanced Primary Treatment

Advanced probe technology

Advanced Processing Technology

Advanced Production Technologies

Advanced Propulsion Test

Advanced Publishing Technology

Aerial Propellant Transfer

After peak tank

Airborne Pointer Tracker

Aircraft Procedure Trainer

Airman Proficiency Test


All Purpose Trail


Alliance for Photonic Technology

Alliance for Public Technology

Almost Plain Text

Alpha Pro Tech, Ltd.

Alum-precipitated toxoid

American Phone Terrorists

Amide proton transfer

Aminoglycoside phosphotransferase

Aminophospholipid translocase

Amiodarone pulmonary toxicity

Amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity

Analytic perturbation theory

Analytic Purchasing Training

Anterior pretectal nucleus



Antiprothrombin antibodies

Antiprothrombin antibody



Apparent Solar Time

Apperceptive Personality Test

Application Process Title

Application Productivity Tool

Application Programmers' Toolkit

Application Systems

Applied potential tomography

Applied Probability Trust

Applied Technology Council



Appointment, Promotion and Tenure

Arbitrage Pricing Theory

Area proportional to

Armor-Piercing with Tracer

Army Part Time Program

Asia Pacific Telecom

Asia Pacific Telecommunity

Asia Pacific Telescope

Asia-Pacific Telecommunity

Asset Protection Trust

Assistant Principal Teacher

Associate in Physical Therapy

Associated Pharmacists and Toxicologists

Associated Pharmacologists and Toxicologists

Associated Pomona Teachers

Association for Preservation Technology

Association for Psychological Type

Association of Pensioneer Trustees

Association of Polysomnographic Technologists

Association of Polytechnic Teachers

Association of Professional Towsurfers

Astronaut Preference Test

Astronomer's Proposal Tool

Atom Probe Tomograph

Atomic polar tensor

Atopy patch test

Attached Proton Test

Attention Process Training

Audio Processing Technology

Augmented Programming Training

Automated Patrol Telescope

Automated Picture Transmission

Automated Pit Trading

Automated Pit Trading System

Automated Postal Teller

Automated Production Turnover

Automatic peak tracing

Automatic Photoelectric Telescope

Automatic Photometric Telescope

Automatic Photometric Telescopes

Automatic Picture Taking

Automatic Picture Test

Automatic Picture Transmission

Automatic Picture Ttansmission

Automatic Position Telemetering

Automatic Process Testing

Automatic Program Tool

Automatic program tools

Automatic Programmed Tool

Automatic Programmed Tools

Automatic Programming of Tools

Automatic Programming Tool

Automatic Progression Testing

Automatically Programed Tool


Automatically Programmed Tools

Automation Planning and Technology

Autonomous Picture Transmission

Auxiliary Picture Transmission

Average peak torque

IATA code for Marion County Airport, Jasper, Tennessee, United States

LAP Colombia - Lineas Aereas Petroleras, S.A.

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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