About The Abbreviation Or Acronym APM

Real Dictionary

What does APM mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation APM at the RealDictionary.com.


APM Definition
APM Definition

What's The Definition Of APM?

The definition of APM is:

Abstract Parallel Machine

Academic Personnel Manual

Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine

Academy of Physical Medicine

Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine

Accident Prevention Manual

Account and Profile Management

Account and Profile Manager

Accounts and Profile Manager

Accounts Payable Module

Acid precipitable material

Acoustic plate mode

Acoustic Protective Measures

Acquisition Program Manager

Actions per Minute

Adaptable Process Model

Adaptive Pointer Management

Additional Packet Mode bearer service

Additive-Pulse Mode Locking

Adjustable Pedals Module

Administered Pricing Mechanism

Admission Pattern Monitoring

Advanced Penetration Model

Advanced Performance Materials

Advanced Power Management

Advanced Pressurized Module

Advanced Process Manager

Advanced Process Modeling

Advanced Progressive Matrices

Advanced Project Management

Affected pedigree member


Affiliate Program Management

Ag-processing machinery

Agile Project Management

Air particulate matter

Air particulate monitor

Airborne Particulate Matter

Aircraft Performance Monitoring

Aircraft Personality Module

Airpac, Inc.

Airport Planning Manual


ALARA Protective Measure

Aliansi Papua Mahasiswa

Aliansi Perempuan Menggugat

Alternate Provisioning Mode

Alternating pressure mattress

Alternative Pest Management

Aluminum Powder Metal

Aluminum powder metallurgy

Aluminum power metallurgy

Aminopeptidase M


Ammonium hydroxide/hydrogen peroxide mixture

Amplitude and Phase Modulation

Amplitude Phase Modulation

Analog Panel Meter

Analyzable product model

Annual Performance Measure

Annual Program Meeting

Antenna Pointing Mechanism

Antenna Positioning Mechanism

Antenna to Partition Mapping

Anterior papillary muscle

Anti-Personnel Mine

Antigen processing machinery

Apical plasma membrane

Apocrine metaplasia


Application Management

Application Performance Management

Application Performance Monitor

Application Performance Monitoring

Application Portfolio Management

Application Processor Module

Application Programming Model

Application Propagation Message

Application Transport Mechanism

Application Transport Message

Applied Mathematical Modelling

Applied Process Material

Appraisal project manager

Approach path monitor

Area Production Manager

Army Program Memorandum

ArsDigita Package Manager

Art Project Management

Ascent Particle Monitor

Ascent Performance Margin

Asia Pacific Micosystem

Asociación Psicoanalítica Mexicana


Assistant Product Manager

Assistant Program Manager

Assistant Project Manager

Assistant Project Manger

Assistant Provost Marshal

Assistant Provost Marshals

Assistant Provost-Marshall

Associate Program Manager

Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland

Association for Project Management

Association of Professors of Medicine

Association of Project Managers

Association Program Manager

Associative Principle for Multiplication

Astronaut Positioning Mechanism

Astronomical Plate Measuring

Asynchronous Packet Manager

Atmospheric Particle Monitor

Atmospheric passivation module

Atom Probe Microanalysis

Atom-Probe Microscopy

Atomic Parameter Matrix

Attached Pressurized Module

Attack Planning Mode

Audio Processing Module

Audit Priority Matrix

Australian Paper Manufacturers

Australian Police Medal

Authorized Project Manager

Autoclavable Powdered Medium

Automated People Mover

Automated Precision Manufacturing

Automatic Page Makeup

Automatic Parsing Module

Automatic Path Migration

Automatic People Mover

Automatic Plate Measuring

Automatic Predictive Maintenance

Auxiliary Power Module

Auxiliary Processing Machine

Axial power monitor

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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