About The Abbreviation Or Acronym APC

Real Dictionary

What does APC mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation APC at the RealDictionary.com.


APC Definition
APC Definition

What's The Definition Of APC?

The definition of APC is:

A Perfect Circle

Abbreviated performance characteristics

Absolute phagocyte count

Academic Planning Council

Academic Professionals Of California

Academic Program Coordinator

Academic Progress Code

Accelerated Provision Concepts

Access Processor Card

Accident Prevention Council

Account Processing Code

Accounting processing code

Accounting Processing Codes

Acetylsalicylic acid, acetophenetidin and caffeine



Acoustic plaster ceiling

Acoustic Propagation Constant

Acoustical plaster ceiling

Acquisition Position Categories

Acquisition Professional Community

Acquistion professional community

Activated bovine plasma protein C

Activated human protein C

Activated PC

Activated Protein C

Active Path Corrosion

Activity Processing Code

Actual Physical Control

Adapted Payload Carrier

Adaptive Payload Carrier

Adaptive Pivot Control

Adaptive Power Control

Adaptive Predictive Coding

Adaptive Processing Control

Adaptive-Predictive Coder


Adenoma prevention with celecoxib

Adenomatosis polyposis coli

Adenomatous poliposis coli

Adenomatous polyposis coli

Adenomatous polyposis coli gene

Adenomatous polyposis coli gene product

Adenomatous polyposis coli protein

Adenomatous polyposis coli tumor suppressor protein

Adenomatous polyposis of the colon

Adenosine-enhanced ischemic preconditioning

Adherent peritoneal cells

Adhesive Pre-Coated Brackets

Adjacent Point Code

Administration and project control

Adsorption-Partition Chromatography

Adult Protection Committee

Advance Progressive Communication

Advanced pancreatic cancer

Advanced pancreatic carcinoma

Advanced PEEK Composite

Advanced Personal Computer

Advanced Pocket Computer

Advanced Polymer Composite

Advanced Power Control

Advanced Practice Center

Advanced Practices Council

Advanced Process Control

Advanced Processing Computer

Advanced Processor Card

Advanced Professional Certificate


Advanced Programming Course

Advanced Propulsion Comparison

Aerial port commander

Aerobic plate count

Aerobic plate counts

Aeronautical passenger communication

Aeronautical Passenger Communications

Aeronautical Planning Chart

Aeronautical Public Correspondence

Aerospace Power Course

African Pacific and Caribbean

Aft Power Controller

Ag-presenting cell

Ag-presenting cells


Agency Payroll Consolidation

Agency Program Coordinator

Agency Program Coordinators

Air Pollution Control

Air Pollution Council

Air Purification Control

Airborne Particle Counter

Aircraft Parts Corporation

Aircraft Pilot Control

Aircraft Positive Control

Aircraft Power Conditioner

Airframe Pricing Committee

Airpac Airlines, Inc.

Alarm and Power Control

Alberta Press Council

Alfalfa protein concentrate



All Purpose Carrier

All Purpose Container

All-purpose capsule

All-purpose carrier

All-Purpose Computer

Allocated Prime Costs


Alloy Phases Committee

Alpha proportional counter

Alternative pathway of complement

Alternative PHP Cache

Alternative Press Center

AMARC Protocol Converter

Ambulatory Patient Care

Ambulatory Patient Classification

Ambulatory Payment Class

Ambulatory Payment Classification

Ambulatory Payment Classifications

Ambulatory Payment Code

Ambulatory procedure code

American Parents Committee

American Personal Communications

American Plastics Council

American Power Conference

American Power Conversion



Amphenol Precision Connector

Amphibious Personnel Carrier


Amplitude Phase Conversion

Amsa, prednisone, chlorambucil


Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

Analog Private Circuits

Anaphase Promoting Complex

Anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome

Anaphase Promoting Cyclosome

Anaphase-promoting complex

Anesthetic preconditioning

Angiotensin presenting cell

Angle Polished Connector

Animal pest control

Animal Procedures Committee

Annual percent change

Anoxic preconditioning

Antenna Pointing Controller

Anterior piriform cortex

Anterior polar cataract

Antero-posterior compression

Anteroposterior colporrhaphy

Antibody-producing cells

Antigen presenting cell

Antigen presenting cells

Antigen processing cells

Antigen-Presenting Cell

Antigen-processing cell

Antipyrine clearance

Aperture current


Apneustic center

Apoptotic cells

Apparent consumption

Appeals Processing Centre

Application Performance Characterization

Application Processor Cabinet

Application Program Command

Application Programmability Component

Applied Physics Center

Approach Control

Approach power compensator

Approach Power Control

Aqueous Potassium Carbonate

Aqueous protein concentration

ArbeitsPlatz Computer

Area of Positive Control

Area Planning Council

Area Position Control

Argon Plasma Coagulation

Argon Plasma Coagulator

Argon purge cart

Argon purge chart

Arkansas Polytechnic College

Armament Practice Camp

Armor Piercing Capped

Armored Personnel Carrier

Armored Personnel Carriers

Armour Piercing Capped

Armoured Personnel Carrier

Army personnel carrier

Army Petroleum Center

Army Pictorial Center

Army Policy Council

Army postal clerk

Army Postal Corps

Army Publications Centre

Army Publications Centre in St.Lois

Aromatic Polymer Composite

Array Processor Controller

Article Processing Charge

Artificial Pinning Center

Aseptic Packaging Council

Asia Pacific Committee


Aspirin, phenacetin, caffeine


Assign preprogrammed conference list

Assistant Planning Controller

Assistant Project Coordinator

Assistant Provincial Commissioner

Assisted Places Committee

Association des Psychiatres du Canada

Association for Progressive Communications

Association of Population Centers

Association of Principals of Colleges

Association of Progressive Communications

Association of Prosthodontists of Canada

Association Policy Committee

Association Pulmonaire du Canada

Associative parietal cortex

Associative Processor Control

Asynchronous Pool Cleaning

Asynchronous procedure call

Ateles paniscus chamek

Atlantic Partnership Council

Atlantic Press Council

Atomic Power Cell

Atomic Power Constructions

Atomic Power Converter

Atrial premature complex

Atrial premature contraction

Atriopulmonary connection

Auditing Practices Committee

Australian Personal Computer

Auto Performance Control

Autologous platelet concentrate

Automated PAL controller

Automated Postal Center

Automated Process Control

Automated Processing Centres

Automatic Particle Counter

Automatic Passenger Counter

Automatic Performance Control

Automatic phase control

Automatic Picture Control

Automatic Position Control

Automatic Power Control

Automatic Power Controller

Automatic Power Conversion

Automatic Pressure Control

Automatic Process Control

Automatic Processor Compatible

Automatic Program Control

Automotive Presidents Council

Autonomous Payload Controller

Auxiliary Power Converter

Available Page Count

Average Per Capita

Average Power Consumption

Average Power Control

Average Projected Costs

Average Propensity to Consume


IATA code for Napa County Airport, Napa, California, United States


More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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