About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ALI

Real Dictionary

What does ALI mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation ALI at the RealDictionary.com.


ALI Definition
ALI Definition

What's The Definition Of ALI?

The definition of ALI is:

Acer Laboratories, Inc.

ACER Labs Inc.

Acute limb ischemia

Acute lung injury

Additional Liability Insurance

Adult Learning Inspectorate

Adult Literacy Initiative

Advanced Land Imager

Advanced Licensing Institute

Advanced Line Imager

Aegis Light exo-atmospheric projectile Intercept

Air-liquid interface

Aircraft Loadability Interface

Aircraft Loadibility Interface

Airworthiness Limitation Items

Airworthiness Limitations Instructions

Airworthiness Limitations Items

Alarm Inhibit

Alberta Laser Institute


Allowable limit of intake

Alpha-LAMP Integration


American Ladder Institute

American Language Institute

American Law Institute

American Liberties Institute

American Lift Institute

American Lighting Institute

Annual level of intake

Annual limit intake

Annual limit of intake

Annual limit on intake

Annual limits on intake

Apoptotic labeling index

Application Level Interface

Arco Longitudinal Interno

Argyl Light Infantry

Associazione Librai Italiani

Asynchronous Line Interface

ATM Line Interface

ATM Link Interconnect

Atypical lymphocytic infiltrate

Automated Logic Implementation

Automatic Line Identification

Automatic Linentegration

Automatic Location Identification

Automatic Location Indentification

Automatic Location Information

Automatic Logic Implementation

Automotive Lift Institute

Average lobe index

IATA code for Alice International Airport, Alice, Texas, United States

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