About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ALC

What does ALC mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation ALC at the RealDictionary.com.

ALC Definition |
What's The Definition Of ALC?The definition of ALC is: Absolute lymphocyte Absolute lymphocyte count Absolute lymphocyte counts Acceptable Level of Competence Accommodation Level Crossing Accounting Legend Code Accredited Land Consultant Acetyl-l-carnitine ACOMA LEARNING CENTER Acquisition Logistics Center Acquisition Logistics Centre Active License Counter Active liver cirrhosis Active Location Counter Acute lethal catatonia Adaptation Layer Controller Adaption Layer Controller Adaptive Logic Circuit Adelphi Lab Center Adelphi Laboratory Center Administration and Logistics Center Administrative logistics center Adult Leydig cells Advanced Land Combat Advanced landfill cover Advanced Leaders Course Aft Load Controller Agency Location Code Agency Location Codes Agency Locator Code Agency Logistics Center Agricultural Land Commission Aided living center Air lift circulator Air Logistics Center Air Logistics Centers Air Logistics Centre Air Logistics Command Air/Land Command Airfield lighting control Airforce Logistics Command AirLift Control Airline Line Control Airline Link Control Airlines Line Control Alberta Livestock Cooperative Alcohol Alcohol exposure Alcoholic Alcoholic cirrhosis Alcoholic liver cirrhosis Alcoholics Alcoholism Aldephi Laboratory Center Alerts Committee ALESCO Learning Centre Alice Lloyd College Alien Labor Certification Allied Command Europe Logistic Center ALLIS-CHALMERS Allocations Allogeneic lymphocyte cytotoxicity ALLTRISTA CORP. Already Connect Altered level of consciousness Alternate Level of Care Alternate logistic support analysis control number Alternate Logistics Control Alternative Learning Center Alternative Levels of Care Alternative Lifestyle Checklist Alternative LSA Control Alternative LSA Control Number Code Alveolar liquid clearance American Language Course American Life Convention American Lutheran Church Analog Leased Circuit Anaplastic large cell Anterior lens capsule Anterolateral cut Application Level Checkpointing Application Life Cycle Application Limiting Constituent Application Load Certificate Approximate lethal concentration Arbitrated Loop Control Area Logistics Command Argon laser coagulation Arithmetic and Logic Circuit Arithmetic and Logic Circuits Arithmetic and Logic Class Arithmetic Logic Circuit Arizona Labor Council Arkansas Library Commission Army Legal Corps Army Logistics Center Army Logistics Centre Aromatic Liquid Crystal Asian Leaders Council Asian Liver Clinic Assembler Language Code ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE CODING Assembly Language Coding Assembly Language Compiler Assist Learning Concept Asynchronous Layer Coding Asynchronous Layered Coding Asynchronous Link Control Atypical lymphoid cells Audio Load Compensator Australian Landing Craft Australian Lutheran College Automated Liquid Chromatography Automatic Lamp Control Automatic Level Control Automatic Level Controller Automatic Leveling Circuit Automatic Light Control Automatic Lining Control Automatic load control Automatic Locking Circuit Avian leukosis complex Aviation Logistics Center IATA code for El Altet Airport, Alicante, Spain Southern Jersey Airways, Inc. Vertical Seismic Profile Acoustic Log Calibration Report |
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