About The Abbreviation Or Acronym AESOP

Real Dictionary

What does AESOP mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation AESOP at the RealDictionary.com.


AESOP Definition
AESOP Definition

What's The Definition Of AESOP?

The definition of AESOP is:

Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Program

Afloat Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Program

Airborne Electro-Optical Special Operations Payload

Airborne Experiment to Study Ozone Production

An easy system of programming


An Evolutionary System for Online Processing

An Extensive Symbolic Optics Package

Annual Entering Student Outdoor Program

Application Engineering Support through Online Productivity

Army EMP Simulator Operations

Army Engineers Standard Operating Procedures

Artificial Earth Satellite Observation Program

Assistant for Evaluation of Software Practices

Association for Energy Systems, Operations and Programming

Automated Electronic System for Ocean Pollution

Automated endoscopic system for optimal positioning

Automated Environmental Station for Overtemperature Probing

Automated Experiment Summary and Overview Program

Automatic Engineering and Scientific Optimization Program

Automatic Environmental Surface Observation Platforms

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