About The Abbreviation Or Acronym AB
What does AB mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation AB at the RealDictionary.com.
AB Definition |
What's The Definition Of AB?The definition of AB is: AB Battery Abandoned Match Abciximab Abdomen Abdominal Abducens Aberration Able Bodied Able Bodied Seaman Able body Able-bodied Able-bodied individuals Abnormal Abort ABort session Abortion Abortions About Above bridges Abrasive Belt Abrasive Blaster Abrasive Blasting Abrupt Abscisic Acid Absolute Block Absorptivity of Blackbody Abstract Abu Dhabi Accepted Bills Access Burst Access Bursts Accounting Block Accreditation Body Ace bandage Acetate buffer Acid Brine Acid-base Acinetobacter baumannii Acoustic Bridge Action By Activated Bauxite Activated Bauxsol Active bilaterally Activities Building Acute bronchiolitis Acute bronchitis Ada Based Adapter Booster Adaptive Behavior Additional Bits Additions and Betterments Address Buffer Address bus Adhesive Bonding Adiabatic Bend Adjustable Bed Administration Building Administrative Budget Administrative Bulletin Adult blood Advanced Bond Advanced Bus Advanced Business Advisory Board Aerodrome Beacon Aeronautical Board Affected By After Burner Afterburner Agaricus bisporus Ah Bless Aharonov-Bohm Aid to the blind Air Balloon Air Base Air Bases Air Bearing Air Bending Air Berlin Air Bladder Air Blanketing Air Blast Air Blowing Air brick Air Burst Air-blast Air-Blown Air-Break Airbag Airborne Airbrake Airman Basic Airmen Basic Akron Barberton Cluster Railway Akron Barberton Cluster Railway Company Aktiebolag Alamar Blue Alberta Albumin Albury Alcian blue Alertness behavior Alkyl Bromide All Band All Before All-Bond 2 Allen-Bradley Alliance Capital Management Holding L.P. Almitrine bismesylate Alpha Beta Alpha Bravo Aluminium bronze Alveolar bone Alveolar buds Amazon Basin Ambay Guasu Ameloblastoma American and British American Birth Control League American Bulldog Amino Borane Amobarbital Amount in body Amphotericin B Amygdaloid body Analecta Bollandiana Analgesic balm Analog Board Anchor Bolt And branch Aneroid Barometer Angiotensin blockade Angle Bracket Answer Back Anterior burster Anti-boat Anti-HBs-F Antibiotic Antibiotics Antibodies Antibody Antibody F Antigen binding Antigua and Barbuda Antique Brass Aortic banding Apache Bench Apex beat Apical to basolateral Apoptotic bodies Apple Blossom Application Block Application Brief Applied Biology Arc Bed Arc brazing Architect Building Architecture Board Arctic Bibliography Arctic Bottom Armor Brigade Array Bending Arsenobetaine Art Bulletin Artium Baccalaureus As Baked As Batched As before As Brazed As Built As-builts Asbestos Board Asbestos bodies Asbestos body Ashby-Brown Aspen Baker Ass Backwards Assembly Bill Assembly Building Associate in Business Asteroid bodies Asthmatic bronchitis Asymmetric Bragg Asymptomatic bacteriuria Asymptotic Behaviour Asynchronous Balanced At Bats At-Bats Atomic Beam Atomic Bomb Atomic Bond Atrium Baccalaureus Attentional blink AUDUBON BORO Augis and Benett Auril's Bane Authorization Basis Auto-Beacon Autoantibodies Autoantibody Autogenous bone Autologous blood Automated Bibliography Automatic Balance Automatic Behavior Automatic Blowdown Automatic Brazing Autonomic blockade Auxiliary boiler Aviation Boatswain Aviation Boatswain's Aviation Brigade Avidin-biotin Avionics Bay Axial blanket Axial Bond Azobenzene Azure B Bachelor of Arts CANNON EXPRESS, INC Crane Ship |
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