Related Words & Synonyms To Stirred

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Stirred Related Words
Stirred Synonyms

What Are Related Words To Stirred?

Synonyms for Stirred include:

affected, affectional, affective, aflutter, agitated, agog, aroused, bathetic, bubbling, cathartic, charged, churned-up, churning, crazy, drippy, drunk, emotional, emotive, excited, fevered, foaming, foamy, frothing, funky, het up, hokey, hot-blooded, impressed, intoxicated, jolted, Latin, little, low-down, lyric, lyrical, maudlin, mawkish, mind-blowing, moody, moved, moving, mushy, nervous, overemotional, overexcited, passionate, releasing, rippled, roiled, roiling, roily, ruffled, schmaltzy, schmalzy, seething, sentimental, sick, sloppy, slushy, smitten, soppy, soulful, soupy, spumous, spumy, stage-struck, stimulated, stirred, stirred up, stricken, struck, subject, sudsy, supercharged, taken, teased, temperamental, thrilled, thrillful, titillated, touched, turbulent, warm, warm-toned, wonder-struck

stirred is a ADJ.

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