Related Words & Synonyms To Cast

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Cast Related Words
Cast Synonyms

What Are Related Words To Cast?

Synonyms for Cast include:

acorn-shaped, awl-shaped, bacillar, bacillary, bacilliform, baculiform, bag-shaped, bar-shaped, basket-shaped, belt-shaped, biform, blown, boot-shaped, bottle-shaped, botuliform, butterfly-shaped, button-shaped, cast, catenulate, chainlike, claw-shaped, club-shaped, cowl-shaped, cross-shaped, die-cast, drum-like, drum-shaped, ductile, eel-shaped, fan-shaped, fig-shaped, foot-shaped, football-shaped, formed, funnel-shaped, guitar-shaped, H-shaped, hammer-shaped, harp-shaped, hook-shaped, horn-shaped, hourglass-shaped, keel-shaped, L-shaped, lance-shaped, lancet-shaped, lip-shaped, lyre-shaped, malleable, molded, navicular, nutmeg-shaped, oven-shaped, paddle-shaped, perfected, phylliform, pitcher-shaped, pliable, pliant, precast, ribbon-shaped, rod-shaped, rudder-like, s-shaped, saddle-shaped, scaphoid, shaped, slipper-shaped, spade-like, spade-shaped, spider-shaped, spoon-shaped, stirrup-shaped, T-shaped, tadpole-shaped, tassel-shaped, tensile, thimble-shaped, tractile, trumpet-shaped, turnip-shaped, U-shaped, umbrella-shaped, v-shaped, vase-shaped, vermiform, W-shaped, worm-shaped, wrought, Y-shaped

cast is a ADJ.

cast, cast of characters, casting, dramatis personae, form, hurl, mold, mould, plaster bandage, plaster cast, roll, shape, stamp

cast is a NOUN.

barf, be sick, cast, cast anchor, cast off, cat, chuck, contrive, couc, couch, disgorge, draw, drif, drift, dro, drop, frame, honk, hurl, hurtle, mold, mould, project, puke, purge, put, ramble, range, redact, regorge, regurgitat, regurgitate, retch, roam, roll, rove, shake off, shed, sick, spew, spue, stray, swan, throw, throw away, throw off, throw u, throw up, tramp, upchuck, vagabon, vagabond, vomit, vomit up, wander

cast is a VERB.

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